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April 6, 2023
The Department of Human Services (DHS) is asking for your support in communicating to the 1.5 million Minnesotans who rely on the state’s public health care programs for their health insurance (Minnesota’s Medicaid program) of upcoming changes.
Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare renewals were paused during the pandemic to help Minnesotans access care and maintain high insurance coverage rates in the state. According to federal law, a renewal process will be restarted, and people must have their eligibility reviewed once a year to ensure they still qualify for these programs. That means one in four Minnesotans will need to have their eligibility for their public health insurance reviewed to ensure they can keep their coverage.
Since the renewal process is paper-based and relies on postal mail, it is critical for enrollees to update their contact information, including their phone number, email, and home address, if they have moved in the last three years.
We appreciate your support and cooperation in this important work for the Minnesotans we serve.