COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Weekly Updates

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COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Weekly Updates

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Minnesota Department of Health

May 14, 2021

Good afternoon,

Here are the COVID-19 vaccine provider updates for May 7 to May 14, 2021.

COVID-19 vaccine provider guide and appendices updates

The provider guide and appendices at COVID-19 Vaccine Providers have had updates this week:

  • Main guide: Added information about pediatric ancillary kits (page 6), updated Pfizer age group in COVID-19 vaccine products (page 6), updated interim clinical considerations topic list (page 9), included information regarding fainting in adolescents (page 10), added link to CDC’s pediatric vaccination toolkit (page 12), and included v-safe information for parents (page 15).
  • All appendices: “Do not waste vaccine” section updated and now renamed “do not miss an opportunity to vaccinate;” new information about insertion points on the vial stopper (in the “vaccine preparation” section.
  • Appendix A: Pfizer-BioNTech: Updated age indication (page 1) and added warning about syncope with injectable vaccines, including adolescents (page 7).
  • Appendix C: Janssen: Updated thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) information in the “warnings” section (page 4).

Note: All appendices will be updated next week following updated CDC/ACIP guidance on coadministration of COVID-19 vaccines and other vaccines.

The updated Pfizer-BioNTech on-demand training module will be posted next week.

Protocols and screening and agreement template updated

All COVID-19 vaccine protocols and the screening and agreement template have been updated at are available at COVID-19 Vaccine Providers.

Updated translated versions of the screening template will be posted when they are available.

Vaccinating adolescents

The Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is now authorized for everyone 12 years old and older. Make sure all staff who receive, handle, manage, prepare, or administer the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine are properly trained.

Adolescent vaccine administration tips

  • Answer any questions the adolescent has about vaccination.
  • Use comfort measures to decrease pain and anxiety. Suggest the adolescent:
    • Listen to their favorite music with headphones.
    • Breathe! Take slow, deep breaths.
    • Make eye contact with a supportive person.
    • Close their eyes and think of a favorite place or activity.
    • Focus on something in the room, like a poster.
  • Fainting (Syncope) after Vaccinationcan be common among adolescents immediately after. To help prevent any injuries that could occur from a fall while fainting, adolescents should stay seated for 15 minutes after the shot.


Client follow-up now ready in MIIC!

Providers can now use the client follow-up feature in MIIC to run lists of clients overdue/recommended for COVID-19 vaccine. Providers can do this for specific product type and number of doses received (e.g., to see which patients need a first dose versus a second dose). Please review the client follow-up user guide and video at Client Follow-Up for more details and information on how to run client follow-up in MIIC. Stay tuned for future webinar opportunities on the use of this feature.

Module 4 – Moderna vaccine updated

The Moderna COVID-19 module was recently updated to align with information found in the Interim COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Guide’s Appendix B. The updated module and transcript are at COVID-19 Vaccine Trainings for Health Professionals in the on-demand trainings for registered COVID-19 vaccine providers section.

Vaccinate people who have had COVID-19

For people who have recently recovered from COVID-19, it is still important for them to receive the COVID-19 vaccine if it has been at least 10 days since symptom-onset or a positive test (if asymptomatic). They do not need to wait 90 days, unless they received monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma. Refer to the CDC: Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of COVID-19 Vaccines for more information.

Helping providers build trust in COVID-19 vaccines

De Beaumont has a new resource for providers to help providers talk to their patients about COVID-19 vaccines. Providers are an important messenger in the response to share reliable information with their patients. Check out the very short, easy to read handout: FROM CONCERN TO CONFIDENCE: How Physicians Can Build Trust in COVID-19 Vaccines (PDF).

Talking to patients about the safety of Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine

CDC developed a fact sheet for providers to help answer questions about the safety of Janssen vaccine. Find it, and a handout for patients, at CDC Recommends Use of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine Resume.

We are receiving data in a timely manner!

Thank you, thank you to all providers who are sending data within 24 hours after administration of a COVID-19 dose. Most providers are sending data in a timely manner and are working to improve their data entry processes. We very much appreciate your partnership on this!

Viewing history of COVID-19 vaccine orders in MIIC

Providers can view a history of their COVID-19 vaccine orders anytime in MIIC. Click on “manage special vaccine events” under “vaccine management.” Enter your provider pin number to view the history of COVID-19 doses shipped to your site.

You need to have a user role with ordering privileges in MIIC to view the history of your COVID-19 vaccine orders in MIIC. If you need to change your MIIC user role, contact the Immunization program staff at or 651-201-5522 (800-657-3970).  

MDH COVID-19 vaccine office hours

Office hours happen weekly on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. New content/updates will be presented for the first 5-10 minutes and then questions and answers will follow.

Click here to join the Teams meeting. Join on your computer or mobile app.

Find previous bulletins at COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Updates.