Making it Better: Minnesota's Health Improvement Log

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Making it Better: Minnesota's Health Improvement Log

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March 28, 2019

Register today for Spring Regional Meetings

Provide input on the next iteration of SHIP

Spring Regional Meeting are coming up! Make plans now – join OSHII and other fellow regional SHIP staff in a discussion about our collective vision for the next round of SHIP. This will be an important starting point to our SHIP planning process. Please encourage your public health leadership to attend as well.

Northwest, Bemidji - April 17

Northeast, Duluth - April 23

Southeast, Owatonna - April 30

Metro, Minnetonka - May 15

Southwest, Slayton - May 21

Registration is now available.

Minnesota Public Health Association Conference

MPHA 2019 conference logo

Registration extended to April 7

If you haven't already registered for the 2019 MPHA Annual Conference, the registration period has been extended until April 7.

Taking place April 11-12, this year’s conference highlights initiatives and programs covering a variety of topics across public health sectors.

Get more information on speakers, scholarships and registration at the MPHA event webpage. Reserve your spot today!

New data on geographic profiles

new data

Updated demographic information for Minnesota

Minnesota Compass has updated data on all of its geographic profiles and the Build Your Own data tool!

Profiles are available for the state as a whole, the 7 regions of the state, Minnesota's 87 counties, and all cities with populations of 1,000+. Each profile contains demographic information and data across many topic areas.

Explore the data for Minneapolis-Saint Paul and Duluth neighborhoods, the IRRR service area, counties, cities, school districts and more. Or use the Build Your Own data tool to create a custom profile for your area of interest.

SHIP Tobacco and Schools work

Clarification following March 19 evaluation webinar

Following the evaluation webinar on March 19, the evaluation team received some questions from grantees regarding tobacco work in schools. To clarify, on a reactive basis, SHIP staff may work with school administration to update their school tobacco use policy. There is also room for SHIP staff to present to school staff on tobacco products and offer resources to implement tobacco curriculum.

As of now, school tobacco policy is not a primary strategy. We simply want to capture the activity we know is happening in response to the vaping epidemic. Second, schools and youth are key partners in any point of sale (POS) work. POS is our primary intervention, where school based policy isn’t at this time.

If you have additional questions, please contact your community specialist.

Tobacco Regional Meetings

SHIP Tobacco Regional Video Conference Calls *Note date and time change for Metro meeting

There is an impressive tobacco prevention movement occurring across the state. MDH plans to convene regional video conference calls for local and state SHIP staff to share local and state policy progress, grant updates and helpful tobacco prevention resources. This time is dedicated to strategic TA and peer-to-peer discussion. Join us for coffee and conversation!

Regional map

Agenda for Tobacco video conference calls

This will be an interactive meeting using the features within WebEx. Be prepared to actively participate and share your local happenings, successes and challenges. These meetings will not be recorded. Please test your video capabilities ahead of time.


Legislative Updates

  • Minnesota Legislative Updates, Christina Thill, MDH
  • National Legislative Trends and FDA Updates, Public Health Law Center

Regional Sharing & Networking

  • Hot topics: E-cigs in schools, T21, HUD enforcement


To Register:

Northwest Region - Date: April 3, Time: 1:00 p.m.

Northeast Region - Date: April 4, Time: 10:00 a.m.

Southwest Region - Date: April 4, Time: 1:00 p.m.

Central Region - Date: April 10, Time: 1:00 p.m.

Southeast Region - Date: April 11, Time: 1:00 p.m.

*Please note date and time change - Metro - Date: April 16, Time: 9:00 a.m.

SHIP Financial Guide FAQ

SHIP Financial Guide questions answered

Q: When is a memorandum of understanding (MOU) required? When is it best practice?

A: Special considerations are required for expenses to any private business. These considerations include a memorandum of understanding (MOU) regarding the use of the equipment by the business and is required for all single item purchases over $500. See page 14 of the Financial Guide (PDF).

MOUs are also recommended as best practice with all large equipment purchases for all businesses/partners to help identify who is responsible for its daily use and maintenance.  

Sample MOUs and Give and Get Agreements can be found on Basecamp.


Webinar: Tobacco 21 - What you need to know about policy initiatives, FAQs and impact

Date: April 2
Time: 11:00 a.m. - Noon

This webinar will share the rationale behind local Tobacco 21 policies and the positive impact they have had on reducing youth smoking rates. Questions will be answered about building community support on this topic and how to work with local decision makers who might not be convinced of the benefits. An update on state legislative activity on this policy will also be shared. 

Learn more and register.

Webinar: America Walks - What's next for the Walking Movement?

Date: April 10
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Join this webinar to explore programs, resources and practices that are putting walking front and center of the future of communities. The webinar is intended for those who are familiar with topics and issues related to walking and walkability. Attendees of this webinar will:

  • Explore what intersections exist between walking and new mobility
  • Discuss ways that walking advocates should be engaging on topics related to this work
  • Learn about programs and policies that are supporting communities of the future 

Register with America Walks.