Making it Better: Minnesota's Health Improvement Log

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Making it Better: Minnesota's Health Improvement Log

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April 19, 2018

Air Quality Awareness

Air Quality MN

Outdoor activity guidance for schools 

To promote air quality awareness, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has updated their Outdoor Activity Guidance for schools. This tools focuses on the air quality index and how to determine when it is the safest for kids to be outside. Although exercise does the body good, sometimes outdoor activities during days with poor air can be unsafe for children, who are more sensitive to air pollution than adults.  

Visit the Minnesota Pollution Control website for more information about air quality and health as well as for access to the outdoor activity guide.

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Native Nutrition Conference

Early registration

This annual nutrition conference on Native American Nutrition will focus on several topics including: nutrition across the lifecycle, learning from indigenous communities around the world and linking agriculture to nutrition. The conference will bring together tribal officials, researchers, and practitioners to discuss knowledge of food science and nutrition as well as look to the future for new projects and areas of work.

It's still months away, October 2-5, but you can visit the Seeds of Native Health webpage for additional information.

New interactive map launched

Breastfeeding friendly map

Map with breastfeeding friendly locations

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has launched a new interactive map that highlights locations across Minnesota that have been recognized as breastfeeding friendly.

The map features county health departments, workplaces, child care and maternity centers that have taken a series of steps to support breastfeeding mothers and their babies. The map is part of MDH’s Breastfeeding Friendly Recognition Program.

Visitors to the web page can get detailed information on the locations by clicking on any of the symbols. A map also includes a navigation tool to pan and zoom. A link provides all the information in table format.

For more information, visit the Breastfeeding Friendly Recognition Program.

SHIP Spring Regional Meetings

SHIP logo

Safe routes to food

The SHIP Spring Regional Meetings are wrapping up with just two meetings left in Winona and Fosston. If you have attended one of the meetings, we would greatly appreciate your thoughts on the trainings if you have not already provided feedback. You may provide feedback with an online evaluation survey on the MDH website. 

If you have further feedback on the Local Planning Implementation toolkit, contact Mary Marrow, Public Health Law Center at or 651.695.7605

It's not too late to register for the remaining regional meetings in Winona and Fosston! Details can be found on the SHIP registration link.

Tribal Resources Available

New TA resources online

Substance abuse and mental health services administration has many resources for tribal training and technical assistance available. This includes training on mental health disorders, substance use disorders, suicide prevention and mental health promotion. They also have webinars to promote wellness in families and communities and links to guides and manuals on various mental health issues.

Visit the SAMHSA website to access these resources.

Tip of the Week

Social media tracking tool

How often do you post to your social media platforms? Is the content directly SHIP related? If so, we have a hashtag! Use #MNSHIP on your Twitter and Instagram posts to help track content, and it's a fun addition on Facebook, too.

Calendar of Events

Webinar: Success Stories

Date: Monday, April 23
Time: 1:00-2:00 p.m.

Success stories give your SHIP efforts life and can help explain PSE work in a way that has impact and is understandable. Learn what OSHII communications staff look for in success stories. LaReesa Sandretsky of Healthy Northland and Mandy Feeks of Sherburne County SHIP will also discuss how they identify stories and leverage content in other communications channels.

To join the webinar, visit the Minnesota Department of Health WebEx webinar page and follow the instructions. Session password is Spring2018*.

Dial: 844-302-0362    

Access Code: 637 306 717

Webinar: E-Cigarette's popularity

Date: Thursday, April 26
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Electronic cigarette's have been gaining popularity especially among young adults. This webinar will introduce participants to JUUL, which is a relatively new, best selling e-cigarette brand that is particularly popular. Various experts will discuss concerns around JUUL and emerging reports about use among young adults. They will also talk about JUUL's ease of use without detection, potential health risks of regular use and regulatory gaps and opportunities.

Visit the public health law center website to register.

This Week's Gem

woman being trained on using blood pressure cuffs

Nearly two dozen people in Rice County are able to monitor their own blood pressure through a new program that launched with the new year. Through self-monitoring, people have the ability to quickly access programs and services needed to live a more healthy life.

Here’s how it works. Patients come in to HealthFinders, a partner of Rice County SHIP, and receive training on how to use cuffs, like those pictured. Training includes information on how often to check their pressure and how to record their readings. Patients are provided a follow up date to return to the clinic, where a provider lets them know what the next steps might be.

Josh Ramaker, Rice County SHIP Coordinator, said the cuffs have been well received and badly needed.  Patients are referred to evidence based programs that can supplement their clinical care and their ability to manage their conditions or improve. Transportation and work schedules are always a difficult barrier, but these BP cuffs can help patients access the assistance they need without having to leave or take off work to go to the clinic or find a ride or pay for transportation to get to the clinic.”

Each patient is referred into an appropriate WellConnect evidence-based program in their area, such as Living Well with Diabetes (Spanish), Fit & Strong or Living Well with Chronic Conditions. Ramaker said they hope to expand the program this year.