There are more than ____ medication collection boxes at law enforcement facilities and pharmacies in MN.
a. 24
b. 120
c. 240
d. 420
The answer is at the bottom of this newsletter.
Annual Meeting of the Minnesota One Health Antibiotic Stewardship Collaborative Was a Terrific Success!
The Collaborative joined together on January 11, 2018, to discuss 2017 progress and to set the 2018 course.
- Look for the summary of the meeting and 2017 activities in the February email bulletin.
Thank you to the outgoing 2016-2017 work group Chairs!
Kimberly Boeser, PharmD, MPH, Fairview Health Services, Chair of the Antibiotic Footprint Work Group
Ayesha Rashid, MD, Saint Paul Infectious Disease Associates, Chair of the Health Care Stewardship Work Group
Beth Thompson, JD, DVM, Minnesota Board of Animal Health, Chair of the Animal Health Stewardship Work Group
Sara Vetter, PhD, Minnesota Department of Health, Chair of the One Health Engagement Work Group
Minnesota Antibiotic Stewardship Honor Roll for Long-Term Care Facilities
- Apply by February 28, 2018, to be included in the inaugural list of Honor Roll facilities.
- Apply anytime. Annually renewable. After the inaugural list, new facilities will be added quarterly.
- Visit the Minnesota Antibiotic Stewardship Honor Roll website for more information and to apply for this three-tiered recognition program!
Save the Date! 2018 Minnesota Antibiotic Stewardship Conference for Healthcare Professionals
- The conference will be on May 1, 2018, and is supported by Minnesota Department of Health, Stratis Health, and Minnesota Hospital Association.
- This year, the full-day conference will focus on ambulatory care settings! Content will be relevant to primary care clinics, emergency and urgent care departments, dental clinics, and other care settings where outpatient antibiotics are prescribed.
- Last year's conference focus was long-term care, and materials can still be accessed.
MN Antibiotic Stewardship Conference
Australia Makes Impact on Respiratory Tract Infection Prescribing
FDA Releases New Tool to Improve Antibiotic Use
Study Quantifies Strong Link Between Patient Confusion and Antibiotic Prescribing for Geriatric UTIs
World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) has Released Second Annual Report on Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in Animals
- 147 countries submitted data to OIE.
- Report describes complexities of the task to measure antimicrobial use across livestock sectors, countries, regions, and the globe.
- A biomass denominator has been calculated for expression of antimicrobial use in terms of the volume of animal production.
- Access the report.
Annual report on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals
Danish Study Identifies Positive Impact of National Antibiotic Guidelines on Prescribing in Small Animal Practice
New Clinical Infectious Diseases Article Highlights Need for One Health Approach to Antibiotic Resistance in Low and Middle-Income Countries
May 1, 2018: Annual MN Antibiotic Stewardship Conference
- This year, the full-day conference will be committed to antibiotic stewardship in ambulatory care settings.
- Stay tuned for registration and continuing education information.
Antibiotic Resistance: Policy Challenges and Solutions Lecture Series
b. 240 medication disposal containers in Minnesota law enforcement and pharmacy locations
Antibiotics used in health care and animal health have been found in lakes, rivers, and streams throughout Minnesota. Properly disposing of unused medications, including antibiotics, is an important way to prevent contamination of our water supply. Never flush medicine down the drain or toilet and do not put them in the trash.
With over 240 medication collection boxes at law enforcement facilities and pharmacies throughout Minnesota, it is easy to properly dispose of unused medications in the home. These collection sites do not charge disposal fees and accept all medicines from households (prescription, over-the-counter, liquid, solid, pet medicines). Find a take-back location near you by visiting
Managing Unwanted Medications.
Learn more about how the Minnesota One Health Antibiotic Stewardship Collaborative is addressing this problem. Read the fact sheet Antibiotics and the Environment: What You Should Know.