MDH HAI Update - July 2017

Minnesota Department of Health

Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Update

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July 13, 2017

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Watch bacteria learn how to thrive in spite of antibiotics

Harvard Medical School researchers have created a powerful video that visualizes how bacteria adapt to increasingly higher doses of antibiotics. Researchers created a two-by-four foot agar plate and added antibiotics in increasingly stronger doses across the plate. They then seeded E. coli bacteria to the antibiotic-free edges of the plate and watched what happened. The experiment was intended to be a teaching tool for medical students, but also provided other insights on evolutionary behavior of bacteria. The video could provide an informative introduction to this topic for lay or professional audiences. Read more about the experiment and view the video in the Harvard Gazette.

New CDC fact sheet

CDC has a new Candida auris fact sheet. Candida auris, or C. auris, is an emerging fungal pathogen that poses a serious public health threat because of its ability to cause invasive infections with high mortality, its high level of antifungal resistance, and its ability to cause large-scale health care setting outbreaks.

MDH requests that facilities notify MDH of confirmed or suspected C. auris and submit isolates based on CDC's Candida auris Interim Recommendations for Healthcare Facilities and Laboratories. No C. auris cases have been identified in Minnesota residents to this date.

For the latest updates on C. auris, including case counts in the U.S. and recommendations for health care facilities and laboratories, please visit CDC's Candida auris webpage.

Keep staff up to date on safe injection practices

Is it time to remind and refresh staff on safe injection practices? Avoid outbreaks through regular staff training to make sure everyone understands and follows safe injection practices. The One & Only Campaign has a number of Video Resources that can be used for staff education. Injection safety is every provider’s responsibility!

Health care quality and antibiotic resistance

To combat the growing problem of antibiotic resistance, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is calling for combined antibiotic stewardship and infection prevention control programs in all long term care facilities receiving funding through Medicare. The CDC’s Public Health Law Program and the American Health Lawyers Association are cohosting a webinar to examine antibiotic stewardship and the effects of value-based systems and Medicare access requirements on antibiotic prescription control. For registration and more information, visit the Linking Data and Quality: A Look at Antibiotic Resistance webpage.

Minnesota Antibiotic Stewardship Honor Roll for hospitals now open for applications

Antibiotic Stewardship Honor Roll image; includes One Health Collaborative and CHAIN logos, as well as bronze, silver and gold ribbons

In collaboration with the Minnesota Hospital Association, Stratis Health, APIC Minnesota, and CHAIN, the Minnesota One Health Antibiotic Stewardship Collaborative is pleased to introduce the Minnesota Antibiotic Stewardship Honor Roll for hospitals. Objectives for this honor roll are to encourage hospital commitment to antibiotic stewardship, share stewardship activities happening across the state, provide incentive for program improvement, and publicize the importance of antibiotic responsibility. Visit the Minnesota Antibiotic Stewardship Honor Roll website for more information. 

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