February Highlights from MN Ag in the Classroom

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MAITC Newsletter Banner 6.2.2017
Farm and Food Book Month

February: National I Love to Read Month!

February is National "I Love to Read" Month! Our Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) team is celebrating by encouraging everyone to read and explore at least one agriculture-related book this month. Whether you dive into a fiction book (Example: Esperanza Rising) or learn something new from a non-fiction selection (Examples: Braiding Sweetgrass and Hungry Planet), we wish you happy reading!

We are also hosting Farm and Food Book events in February! Join us on Zoom for virtual agriculture-themed book readings by special guest readers. Visit our website for date and time options. Guest readers include:

  • Patrice Bailey, Minnesota Department of Agriculture Assistant Commissioner
  • Lisl Detlefsen, Author
  • Ben Risseeuw, Account Executive Minnesota Lynx

Register Today

Educator Advisory Team

Seeking Teachers for MAITC Educator Advisory Team

Teachers, we want to hear from YOU! Please consider applying to be a part of our MAITC Educator Advisory Team! Selected team members will meet quarterly to provide insight into curricular tools and resources that fit the needs of Minnesota K-12 educators. Stipends and travel funds are provided to advisory team members.

Four new team members will be selected. All K-12 educators are encouraged to apply.

Applications are due February 28, 2025.

Apply Today!

First Year Teacher Grant

First Year Teacher Grants

The MAITC Program and Foundation recognize that first-year teachers face a unique set of challenges as they begin their teaching career. The goals of this first-year teacher grant program are to:

  1. Support first-year educators in integrating agriculture into their classroom and curriculum.
  2. Allow MAITC to establish and grow relationships with college students as they transition to employment in schools and educational settings.

First-year teachers are strongly encouraged to complete the short application to receive funds to kick-start agriculture integration in their classroom and curriculum.

Apply Today!

Farm to School Institute

Minnesota Farm to School Institute

Planting Seeds for Success:  Grow your Farm to School program with sustainable connections to Minnesota food systems!

The Minnesota Farm to School Institute is a team-based, year-long professional learning opportunity for schools to develop skills and action plans for growing their Farm to School program. Selected teams will participate in a three-day, immersive experience in June 2025 and receive one-on-one coaching throughout the 2025-2026 school year.  

School team applications are now open!  The deadline to apply is Friday, February 28, 2025. For more information on the Institute, visit the Farm to School Institute website.

The Institute is coordinated by the Minnesota Department of Education, Minnesota Department of Agriculture and the University of Minnesota Extension with funding from the United States Department of Agriculture and Shelburne Farms. 

Apply Today!

February Ag Trivia

February Trivia Question: Famous author Sinclair Lewis was born and raised in which Minnesota town? 

Send your answer to sue.knott@state.mn.us. The first two people to respond with the correct answer will win an MAITC travel mug.