Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) is excited to host the fourth annual Farm and Food Book Week!
Plan to join us on Zoom, February 20-23, 2024, for virtual agriculture-themed book readings by special guest readers. Visit our website for date and time options. Guest readers include:
- Emma Kuball, Princess Kay of the Milky Way
- Mackenzie Kuschel, MN FFA officer
- Zach Johnson, Millennial Farmer
- Karin Costa, Minnesota author and farmer
- Patrice Bailey, Minnesota Department of Agriculture assistant commissioner
- Don Wick, Red River Farm Network
- Melina Mengal, Minnesota author
- Andrea Vaubel, Minnesota Department of Agriculture deputy commissioner
 The 2024 National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference will take place June 24-27, 2024, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Teachers, this is a conference you won't want to miss! Engaging speakers, inspiring breakout sessions, exciting agriculture-themed tours, and opportunities to connect with teachers from across the US are all part of the fun!
All pre-K through 12th grade teachers are encouraged to apply for the 2024 National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference Scholarship ($1,300 value).
Scholarships will provide:
- One early bird registration ($485)
- Up to four nights lodging at conference location
Scholarship Qualifications:
- State-certified classroom teacher
- Pre-K through 12th grade teacher
- Currently employed by a public or private school
- Plan to teach during 2024-2025 school year
 Teachers, we want to hear from YOU! Please consider applying to be a part of our MAITC Educator Advisory Team! Selected team members will meet quarterly to provide insight into curricular tools and resources that fit the needs of Minnesota K-12 educators. Stipends and travel funds are provided to advisory team members.
Two new team members will be selected. All K-12 educators are encouraged to apply. Applications are due February 20, 2024.
Priority consideration will be given to educators in to the following categories:
- Grade Levels: K, 1, 7, 8, 11, 12
- Geographic Areas: southwest, northeast, and central Minnesota.
 Exciting Opportunity Alert!
MAITC is gearing up to host the National Agriculture in the Classroom conference in June 2025, and we want YOU to be apart of shaping it!
What's the challenge, you ask? We're on the hunt for the perfect conference theme that highlights Minnesota. Share your most creative Minnesota conference theme idea. If we choose YOUR theme, you'll win a FREE conference registration!
 What do students love about Farm Camp?
- "I love seeing all the animals - like the baby goats!"
- "I was surprised they made screws for an astronaut suit!"
- "Learning all about solar panels!"
- "Seeing all of the robots on the dairy and over a million potatoes!"
Visit the Farm Camp website to get connected with the program director and brainstorm Farm Camp opportunities for the students in your community!
Minnesota Corn is partnering with the Twin Cities Road Crew to create a FREE educational school assembly for elementary schools. “All About Corn” is the name of the program; it’s fun, interactive, educational, and FREE to your school! A talented host leads the program, a DJ plays music and leads a dance for the students, and the energetic road crew facilitates games and challenges!
- Assemblies are approximately 45 minutes in length
- Every student receives a corn-themed activity bag
- The assemblies align with MN Educational Standards
If you would like to reserve an assembly, complete this registration form.
Questions can be directed to: Ben Thul, Twin Cities Road Crew, 612-599-4383
February Trivia Question: Valentine's Day is quickly approaching with flowers playing a big role in many celebrations. Which US state leads the nation in cut flower production? Hint: it's not Minnesota!
Send your answer to sue.knott@state.mn.us. The first two people to respond with the correct answer will win a MAITC reusable bag.