November Highlights from MN Ag in the Classroom

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MAITC Newsletter Banner 6.2.2017

November Focus Area: Corn!

Our Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) team is celebrating the 2023-2024 school year by selecting a focus area for each month. Our November focus area is corn! Check out lessons, videos, AgMag features and more that highlight field corn, pop corn, and sweet corn!

Visit our new webpage featuring these monthly focus areas for more details.

Outstanding Teacher Award

Outsanding Teacher Award

MAITC has worked with MANY amazing teachers across our state! We would like to recognize one of these awesome educators with the MAITC Outstanding Teacher Award. This award is presented to an educator currently engaged in classroom instruction at the K-12 grade level and recognizes the teacher for his/her creative efforts to teach students about the importance of agriculture. The winning Minnesota teacher will receive $500 and have up to $1,500 of related expenses paid to attend the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference, June 24-27, 2024, in Salt Lake City, Utah.

 Applications are due November 15, 2023.

Virtual Field Trip

Turkey Virtual Field Trip

Join us for a virtual field trip to Fahlun Farms Inc. Turkey Farm!

When: Monday, November 20, 2023, 1:00 p.m.

What: Join us for an up-close look at a Minnesota turkey farm! On this virtual field trip, you’ll meet Jake Vlaminck, a Minnesota turkey farmer. Jake will introduce us to his turkeys and show us where they live, and how and what they eat. He will also describe how he cares for these turkeys so we can enjoy them during our Thanksgiving meal. This is a seasonal virtual field trip you won't want to miss!

This 30-minute virtual field trip is targeted to K-5 students.

This virtual field trip will also be streamed live on YouTube and a recording will be available for later viewing.

Register for the Virtual Field Trip Today!

Cheese-Themed Professional Development

Cheese Professional Development

After School PD with MAITC!

Join us on Zoom for an exciting look at Minnesota Cheese!

When: Monday, December 11, 2023, 3:45-4:45 p.m.

What: Meet Redhead Creamery founders and owners Lucas and Alise Sjostrom! Alise is President and Cheesemaker at Redhead Creamery, an on-farm, family-run cheese company near Brooten, MN. Lucas is involved with Redhead Creamery and is also the Executive Director for Minnesota Milk Producers Association. In this position, he advocates for Minnesota dairy farmers through government relations and advocacy at the Minnesota State Capital.

Dairy and cheese-themed lessons and activities will be shared and demonstrated. These include:

Several lucky teacher attendees will receive cheesemaking kits and Redhead Creamery gift cards.

Register for the PD Today!

White-Reinhardt Scholarship

American Farm Bureau for Agriculture

The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture is now accepting applications for White-Reinhardt scholarships to attend the 2024 National Ag in the Classroom Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 24-27, 2024.

White-Reinhardt scholarships are designated for full-time educators and/or volunteers who actively participate in classroom ag literacy programs or events. This scholarship provides travel expense funds for educators to attend the national conference and then use the information gained to expand their outreach to students regarding food, fiber, and fuel. White-Reinhardt scholarships are valued at $1,200 plus registration costs.

Applications for 2024 scholarships are due December 1, 2023.

November Trivia

November Trivia Question: Which state ranks first in the United States in turkey production?

Send your answer to The first two people to respond with the correct answer will win a MAITC travel mug.
