Our MAITC team is celebrating the 2023-24 school year by selecting a focus area for each month. Lessons, virtual field trips, AgMag connections and more will be shared each month! We're kicking off the fun with our September focus area as "Introduction to Agriculture." The resources featured this month will introduce K-12 students to the many ways that agriculture impacts their daily lives. Can you have a day without agriculture? There's no way!
Visit our new webpage featuring these monthly focus areas for more details.
Did you know that there’s a free, custom magazine for grades K-6 available to all teachers and students? Each AgMag issue aligns with Minnesota academic standards, and there are also free lesson plans for each edition to seamlessly integrate into your curricula! AgMags provide a unique piece for students to engage with beyond their typical textbooks and materials. The print magazine and digital content feature real-life Minnesota farmers and businesses, highlighting people and organizations that kids can feel a connection to.
 Join us for a virtual field trip to the Rice Creek Compost Site
When: Monday, September 25, 2023, at 1:00 p.m.
What: Composting is for everyone! We all make waste from our kitchens and gardens that can be reused through compost. Join us to explore the important ingredients and processes involved in creating compost. We'll meet Organic Recycling Coordinator Kathryn Jordan and learn how she helps Anoka County residents create a complete food cycle: food is grown and ate, food scraps are composted, and then the compost is added back to the soil to grow more food!
This virtual field trip will last 30 minutes and is targeted to K-5 students.
This virtual field trip will also be streamed live on YouTube and a recording will be available for later viewing.
The Rotten Truth is a complimentary lesson for 3rd-5th graders.
September Trivia Question: The University of Minnesota's breeding program for the flower pictured below is one of the oldest public sector breeding programs in the world and the only one in North America. What flower is it?
Photo from https://mnhardy.umn.edu/
Send your answer to sue.knott@state.mn.us. The first two people to respond with the correct answer will win a MAITC travel mug.