As the 2022-23 school year ends, Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) wants to thank all educators who have explored agriculture with their students! Teachers, we sincerely appreciate your energy, enthusiasm, and willingness to integrate agriculture into your classrooms and curricula. We hope you find many opportunities to rest and recharge this summer. THANK YOU!
 The MAITC Foundation is excited to provide cash awards to K-12 educators through the Agricultural Literacy Grant Program. These grants encourage educators to bring agriculture and food systems education "to life" by integrating related content into their classroom. Grants are available for new ideas as well as enhancements to current events/activities. MAITC aims to fund projects that provide students the opportunity to experience agriculture in a cross-curricular manner.
FFA Chapters and 4-H programs are also eligible for grant funds to promote agricultural literacy with students in their community.
Apply by September 1, 2023
 Let’s say a classroom wants to visit a dairy farm. A dairy-themed Farm Camp experience is then created!
Part 1 is the in-classroom learning, which may consist of learning about milk production in the U.S. prior to visiting the dairy farm. In this example, we are using an Ag in the Classroom lesson – From Cow to Carton: Milk’s Journey to the Consumer.
Part 2 is the trip to a dairy farm where they will experience a customized field trip with hands-on engagement. A benefit of using the Farm Camp model is the work is done for you. We do all the heavy lifting in regards to planning the field trip.
Part 3 is career exploration, which may consist of using some of the lessons from Ag Career Resources.
Please check out Farm Camp Minnesota for more information or to sign your class!
  We'd love to provide fun and educational items for your summer events (Example: Breakfast on the Farm!). Check out our "Agriculture is Everywhere" and "Where Does Your Cheeseburger/Pizza Come From?" posters. Their 11-by-17-inch size makes them perfect for placemats! Use our online order form to request what you need.
June Trivia Question: June is National Dairy Month! What breed of dairy cattle is pictured below?
Send your answer to The first two people to respond with the correct answer will win a MAITC travel mug.