Our Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) team is sending strong vibes for spring-like temperatures and sunshine to make it's way to Minnesota! Our focus area for April is spring planting. Featured lessons, themed professional development, and AgMag connections highlight the spring activities that will hopefully happen soon in our Minnesota agriculture community!
Visit our webpage featuring these monthly focus areas for more details.
 You have FOUR DAYS left to register for our Summer Teacher Tours for the early bird price of just $25!
Summer Teacher Tours provide professional development for educators to dig-in to agriculture with exciting tours and experiences at farms, processing sites, research facilities, and more! Participants will receive a wealth of standards-based, agriculture-themed lesson plans and resources, as well as opportunities to network and share ideas with fellow K-12 educators.
2023 Summer Teacher Tours
A Day in the Life of a Farmer Tour
It's A Mystery Tour
June 21, 2023, Beginning/Ending Location: Park Rapids High School, Park Rapids
- Tour Stops: It’s a mystery!
Finding Food for All Tour
Harvest of the Month Tour
 Did you know Farm Camp can be used for summer school? We can customize Farm Camp learning experiences that will incorporate a hands-on, immersive tour at a farm or agribusiness.
Farm Camp is a three-part program, which would work well in a summer school environment:
- Lesson(s) to help prepare the students for Farm Camp
- Farm Camp tour
- Follow up with career exploration lesson/activity
Go to https://farmcampminnesota.org/ for more information or email director@farmcampminnesota.org to have your questions answered.
 The MAITC Foundation recognizes that first-year teachers face a unique set of challenges as they begin their teaching careers. To inspire early-career teachers to integrate agriculture into their K-12 curriculum, we are offering a grant program specifically for first-year teachers.
  We'd love to provide fun and educational items for your summer events (Example: Breakfast on the Farm!). Check out our "Agriculture is Everywhere" and "Where Does Your Cheeseburger/Pizza Come From?" posters. Their 11-by-17 inch size makes them perfect for placemats! Use our online order form to request what you need.
April Trivia Question: What is the scientific term used to describe seeds sprouting?
Send your answer to sue.knott@state.mn.us. The first two people to respond with the correct answer will win a planting themed book.