We want YOU to share your ideas and thoughts! Please consider applying to be part of our first ever Educator Advisory Team! Selected team members will meet quarterly to provide insight into curricular tools and resources that fit their needs and the needs of Minnesota K-12 educators. Stipends and travel funds are available to advisory team members. Applications are due May 2, 2022.
We are VERY excited to see you this summer on one or more of our 2022 Summer Teacher Tours! Check your summer calendars, gather your teaching friends, and sign-up to join us on an engaging adventure that will give you first-hand experience with the people and places involved in providing the food, fiber, fuel and more that we rely on every day!
June 21-23, 2022
Waconia, MN
This tour is offered in partnership with the Minnesota Alliance for Geographic Education (MAGE) and is funded through a grant from the National Geographic Society. This tour is full! Contact sue.knott@state.mn.us to be added to the waitlist.
July 12, 2022, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Park Rapids, MN
Tour Stops: Ten Finns Dairy and Creamery, and Black Swan Cooperage
July 20, 2022, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
St. Peter, MN
Tour stops: Ponwith Farms, Forest-Lawn Holsteins, Answer Plot by Winfield United, and 3rd Street Tavern
July 26, 2022, 9 a.m.-Noon
Virtual Farm Camp Experience for Grade 5-12 Educators
Tour stops: RD Offutt Potato Farm, Potato Storage Facility, Lamb Weston RDO Frozen Facility, and a French Fry Research Lab
July 28, 2022, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
St. Paul/Minneapolis, MN
Tour stops: Pearson's Candy Company, local grocery store, and Farmer's Kitchen + Bar
You may have seen and heard that multiple cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) have been identified in several states including Minnesota. While the risk to the public is extremely low and HPAI is not a food safety concern, the virus has the potential to greatly impact Minnesota poultry producers at all levels, from your neighbor selling backyard eggs to commercial farms.
If you're looking for a way to connect these current events to your classroom curriculum, Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom has excellent resources available. Now is a great time to introduce biosecurity. The Bring Home the Blue, Not the Flu lesson investigates how diseases are spread and how to prevent transmission between humans and animals. There are versions of the lesson for different grade levels:
Not a teacher and still want to share the same biosecurity lessons with curious kids? There are free "Bring Home the Blue, Not the Flu! Preventing Disease in Animals and People" online courses available for a variety of ages.
We are excited to share a fun and educational video to use with your middle school and high school classes featuring Fuel Up to Play 60 Player Ambassador Dalvin Tomlinson from the Minnesota Vikings!
The video features a great conversation with Dalvin and Registered Dietitian Kennedy Haney. They discuss fueling-up, farming, and football along with two high school culinary students from Sauk Rapids-Rice High School as they make grilled cheese sandwiches. Midwest Dairy has included a contest for both teachers and students to get into the “game” and show off their creativity and culinary skills to create a custom grilled cheese in celebration of National Grilled Cheese Day (April 12, 2022). Contest runs from March 16,2022 through April 15, 2022. Students have a chance to earn signed NFL merchandise and teachers a customized Viking Cheese Board and utensils.

Watch the video, explore the contest rules and participate today!
Middle School and High School teachers, have you been overwhelmed with trying to narrow down your Curriculum Matrix lesson plan search? We are here to help! Take a look at our NEW "Course Topics" page. This page does all of the narrowing down for you! Just click on your grade/subject area!
The Native American Agriculture Fund is sponsoring 15 teacher scholarships to the 2022 National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization Conference in Saratoga Springs, New York. Each scholarship recipient will receive conference registration, travel and lodging.
To be eligible, teachers must: teach at a Tribal government operated school, a Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) school or a BIE-supported school, a school on a reservation teaching Native students; teach at a non-reservation school that has a high percentage of Native American students; or be a teacher with Tribal affiliation.
The deadline for the scholarship applications is April 28, 2022.
Apply Today!
April Trivia Question: Sometime soon we will see spring flowers. The photo below shows a flower that is traditionally one of the first to poke through the soil here in Minnesota. What flower is it?
Send your answer to sue.knott@state.mn.us. The first two people to respond with the correct answer will win a reusable MAITC bag.