2022 is officially underway! Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) is excited to dive into new and exciting ways to share the story of agriculture with K-12 students this year.
 Tuesday, Feb 1, 2022, 04:30 p.m.
Calling all teachers of students grades 9-12! Join Jessica Blosberg (MN Ag in the Classroom Regional Specialist), Mary Buschette (MN Youth Institute Coordinator), and Eric Sawatzke (West Central Area School Agriculture Teacher) to learn how to bring global awareness, issues around fighting hunger, and knowledge of agriculture to your students. All three hosts will share opportunities for students to meet global leaders and researchers, and are excited to invite you to be a part of bringing global agriculture to your classroom. Join us to learn how to inspire your students to join the fight against hunger around the world.
Register Today!
 MAITC is excited to host the second annual Farm and Food Book Week! Plan to join us on Zoom February 14-18, 2022 for agriculture-themed book readings by guest readers.
Guest readers are being announced through our Facebook and Instagram pages. Registration will open on Friday, January 21, 2022.
The MAITC Foundation is happy to announce the recipients of the 2022 Agricultural Literacy Grants to support educational efforts from kindergarten to high school across the state.
Congratulations to the following grant recipients:
- Heidi Auel, Read to Grow, Discovery Woods School, Brainerd
- Jayne Bautch, Farm Camp "Field Day" Tour, South Junior High School, Saint Cloud
- Katie Brown, The Hands-On Animal Science Experience, Dover-Eyota, Eyota
- Eric Sawatzke, Hydroponic Middle School, West Central Area High School, Barrett
- Josh Hendrickx, Apiary, Freshwater Education District, Wadena
- Carrie Allord, Integrated Ag In the Classroom, St. Francis Catholic School, Brainerd
- Dani Frederickson, Kindergarten Dairy Farm Field Trip, Montgomery Elementary, Montgomery
- Mae James, Where Food Comes From, Zumbrota-Mazeppa, Zumbrota
- Kim Stehr, Exploring Ag with 4-H Afterschool, Winona County 4-H, Winona
- Kristi Traxler, Raising Chickens at School, La Crescent High, La Crescent
 The University of Minnesota is now offering a fully online section of its popular introductory soil science course.
Basic Soil Science (SOIL 2125), is open to professionals, independent learners, non-degree/guest students, PSEO high school students, and University of Minnesota degree-seeking students.
In this course, you'll learn to appreciate local, regional, and global soil diversity; explore connections between the soil resource, food security, climate change, water quality, and human health; understand and apply fundamental principles in soil science, and communicate those difference to others.
The online course is just as rigorous and experiential as the on-campus course. All students will watch engaging video lectures. Remote students will participate in small group discussions on Zoom and will be mailed a laboratory soil science kit to participate in labs.
For more information visit: z.umn.edu/basic-soil
January Trivia Question: What term is used to describe the digestive system of cattle and sheep? Hint: This digestive system includes a four-chambered stomach!
Send your answer to sue.knott@state.mn.us. The first two people to respond with the correct answer will win a reusable MAITC bag.