Combines harvesting crops and kids selecting the perfect pumpkin from the patch - both are visual clues that it's the season of harvest! This season allows many exciting ways to connect agriculture to science, social studies, language arts, and health/nutrition. Our Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) Team is here to assist you during harvest season and beyond. Please reach out to our MAITC team of Education Specialists and Regional Curriculum Specialists
It's not too late to sign-up to receive your FREE AgMags!
Visit the AgMag website to sign up for the FREE AgMag series. It features two grade-specific issues in print and online for each K-6 grade level. The AgMag content aligns with Minnesota academic standards, allowing for seamless integration into your curriculum. Teach your students about agriculture in our state in an easy, free - and FUN - way!
 Have your students ever been to a dairy farm? Here is your chance to watch Fuel Up to Play 60 Player Ambassador, Dalvin Tomlinson, from the Minnesota Vikings, as he goes on his first dairy farm tour at Square Deal Dairy with the Otte family. He was very inquisitive and asked so many great questions! After you watch the pre-recorded tour with Dalvin, join us on Friday, October 15 for a live Q and A with dairy farmer, Tyler Otte. This virtual event is targeted to K-5 students.
Please watch the pre-recorded tour BEFORE the Q&A time on Friday, October 15. Pre-recorded Dairy Tour:
Zoom Registration for live Q & A:
 Celebrate Farm to School! Share your story. Thank those who make farm to school possible.
Every day this month is a chance to celebrate Farm to School!
- Get your CRUNCH on! Celebrate F2SMonth by crunching into a local apple on Thursday October 14, 2021 for the Minnesota Great Apple Crunch!
- Celebrate F2S Month in your classroom and school garden! Join a Virtual Farm Field Trip hosted by Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom.
Farm to School connects kids to fresh food and supports local school nutrition departments and farmers. That’s worth celebrating and sharing! Use the hashtag #MNfarmtoschool and #F2SMonth to share your celebration stories on your favorite social media outlets.
Whether you are a a teacher, a student, a food service professional, a farmer, or a family, there are plenty of ways to celebrate and show your gratitude.
To learn more, go to Minnesota’s Farm to School Month website.
 The MAITC Foundation is excited to offer grants to K-12 teachers, as well as 4-H and FFA groups! Applicants are encouraged to be creative and develop interesting, valuable agricultural experiences for their students that address multiple curricular areas.
Applications are due November 15, 2021.
 One MAITC Outstanding Teacher Award will be given to an educator currently engaged in classroom instruction at the K-12 grade levels. This award will recognize the teacher for his/her creative efforts to teach students about the importance of agriculture. The winning Minnesota teacher will receive $500 and have up to $1,500 of related expenses paid to attend the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference June 28-July 1, 2022 in Saratoga Springs, New York.
October Trivia Question:
Pumpkins and squash are members of which plant family?
A. Brassica
B. Curcurbit
C. Solanaceae
The first two people to respond to with the correct answer will receive a reusable MAITC bag.