Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) is excited to highlight resources and events that allow students to investigate global agriculture.
We are partnering with Global Minnesota to host a virtual discussion focused on global agriculture and food.
Virtual Discussion: Global Food and Agriculture
- When: Friday, March 26, 9-9:30 am
- Where: Zoom
- Who: 6-12 grade students can join in a virtual discussion with international volunteers, including Dounia Benslimane from Morocco and Kayanna Burke from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
- What: International volunteers will share their experiences with food and agriculture in their home country. 6-12 grade students can attend to hear international perspectives and ask questions to strengthen their knowledge and understanding.
How will we sustainably feed 9 billion people by the year 2050? Journey 2050 is an online simulation that lets middle and high school students explore sustainable agriculture as they make inquiry-based decisions in the role of farmers in Kenya, India and Canada. Students see the ripple effect on economic, social and environmental factors locally and globally.

 If you are already an AgMag subscriber, watch your mailbox! The spring issues for AgMag K, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5-6 will be arriving in mid-March.
If you are not a subscriber, it's not too late! These standards-based, agriculture-themed magazines are available FREE to educators and ag advocates across Minnesota. Simply fill out the online order form and we’ll send them to you. These print pieces are perfect for in-person learning and can be sent home with students for distance or hybrid learning.
Also, visit our new AgMag website to access the content digitally along with teacher guides, interactive student activities and more!
The National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization (NAITCO) is excited to offer educators the opportunity to attend the 2021 NAITCO Conference June 28-July 1, 2021 in-person in Des Moines, Iowa or virtually. Please explore the conference webpage.
Two scholarship opportunities are available to assist teachers in paying for the conference registration and travel costs.
Native American Agriculture Fund and CHS Foundation Scholarships
Does your district or school have a favorite recipe that features a Minnesota locally grown food? We have extended the deadline to submit your delicious recipes to the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) from March 10 to March 16.
Check out the full contest details and instructions on the MDE Team Nutrition webpage, which includes information about the 18 Minnesota food items that are featured in the contest. Although the documents still list the end date as March 10, 2021, we will continue to accept submissions until March 16, 2021. Contact mde.teamnutrition@state.mn.us if you have questions related to the contest.
March Trivia Question: In the past month, you might have seen/heard CSA Farms promoting opportunities to purchase a share. What do the letters CSA stand for?
The first two people to respond to sue.knott@state.mn.us with the correct answer will receive a MAITC reusable bag.