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January 2021                                                                                      990 producers

                                                                                                              695,496 acres

Governor Walz Sets One Million Acre Goal for Minnesota Ag Water Quality Certification Program

Governor Walz


Governor Tim Walz has announced a goal of enrolling one million acres in the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) by the end of 2022.

“This is a key effort we can undertake to ensure our lakes, rivers and drinking water are protected for future generations,” said Governor Walz. “We must do this because Minnesota’s natural resources are a unique part of our state and culture. Farmers understand this. They are stewards of our land and water and are already helping to protect these resources.”

Local conservation district experts help farmers identify and mitigate any risks their farm poses to water quality. Producers going through the certification process have priority access to financial assistance. After being certified, each farm is deemed in compliance with new water quality laws and regulations for 10 years.

There are also extra endorsements available to water quality certified producers for soil health, integrated pest management, and wildlife. These endorsements celebrate farmers and landowners who are going above and beyond to implement conservation efforts on their land.

“We already know that certified farms have a major impact on our environment for the better, but the certification program is also good for our ag economy,” said Agriculture Commissioner Thom Petersen.

According to a study by AgCentric, a program of Minnesota State, the average net income of ag water quality certified farms is 26% higher, or $19,000 more per year, than non-certified farms. Other key financial metrics are also better, such as debt-to-asset ratios and operating expense ratios. The study also indicated increased yield for corn, soybeans, and alfalfa on certified land.

Check out the full news release from the Governor's office.


Regional Conservation Partnership Program

$9 million for producers seeking water quality certification

The Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) promotes coordination of Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) conservation activities with partners that offer value-added contributions to  address on-farm, watershed, and regional natural resource concerns.

In November 2019 the MAWQCP received a second five-year RCPP renewal of $9 million to continue providing technical and financial assistance to farmers seeking certification. It was a competitive award process and the MAWQCP was one of just 18 renewals nationwide and the only project in Minnesota to receive an RCPP award in 2019.

The RCPP funds will be available to water quality certified producers starting in 2021. Eligible practices and payment rates are posted by NRCS annually, and the funding can be used for practices needed to get certified or improvements when certified. Approximately $1.4 million will be available each year from 2021-2024 for producers to install practices as part of a MAWQCP Certification Agreement. If you are interested in learning more, contact your local Area Certification Specialist.

Regional Conservation Partnership Program logo


Meet a Water Quality Certified Producer

Robert Olson Farm

Kari Olson (left) and Nicole Strafelda (right) with Trisha Demarais from East Otter Tail SWCD.

Robert Olson and his daughters, Kari and Nicole, make a great team as the operators of Robert Olson Farms near Hawley. The Olsons practice conservation on their farmland to protect the water and soil, including no-till on all their acres, cover crops and careful pest management. They have presented about conservation and soil health at field days and conferences, and achieved Water Quality Certification in summer 2020.

Check out the MAWQCP story map to learn more about Robert Olson Farms and get to know some of the other certified producers across Minnesota.


Opportunities with Minnesota Grown

Sprout Food Hub marketplace with customers

For +30 years Minnesota Grown has proudly identified agricultural products grown or raised in Minnesota, and customers can now search the Minnesota Grown Direct-to-Consumer Directory by MAWQCP certification. This is a great opportunity to connect with customers who care about water quality, and the Minnesota Grown program has been working with MAWQCP to educate consumers on what the certification is all about.

MN Grown Logo

Join Minnesota Grown to add the logo to your farm products today! You can apply online, or if you’re already a member don't forget to renew your membership for 2021. Contact Karen Lanthier with any questions at

News and Events

Its all about good grazing techniques and conservation farming practices

Hendrickson farm

Tim and Kristine Hendrickson farm near Menahga and enjoy working with their 200 pair cow-calf herd. They also care for the land and water as they manage their pastures and provide forage for their livestock.

Because the Hendricksons’ farming practices protect water and soil resources, their farms are now water-quality certified in the Minnesota Ag Water Quality Certification Program.

The Hendricksons’ good grazing techniques and their conservation farming practices prevent soil erosion and slow water runoff rates, as well as protect surface water and groundwater. They also have perennial pasture, use rotational grazing, grow cover crops, use reduced tillage and carefully manage their fertilizer.

Pictured (L-R): Jim Lahn, MAWQCP Area Certification Specialist; Ed Musielewicz, NRCS; Tim Hendrickson; Kristine Hendrickson; and Logan Riedel, Becker SWCD.

Read the full article

Stay Under Cover podcast

Stay under cover logo

Check out the Minnesota Soil Health Coalition's podcast - Stay Under Cover - which explores soil health topics from around the state. Back in November Jennifer Hahn spoke with two MAWQCP Area Certification Specialists, Danielle and Ryan, about the MN Ag Water Quality Certification Program and how it's helpful for farmers.

Ecosystem Services Market Consortium Pilot Project

The MAWQCP is excited to be a partner with the Ecosystem Services Market Consortium pilot project in central MN. Launched by the Ecosystem Services Market Consortium and The Nature Conservancy, this pilot project will provide financial incentives to encourage more farmers to implement practices that help improve soil health, store carbon in soils, and reduce nutrient run-off from farm fields. The project will test and streamline the creation and sale of environmental credits from farmland. The MAWQCP will provide in-kind support and a developed and tested statewide model for baseline risk assessment with tracking for additive practices.

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Certify your land, water and legacy for years to come.

Contact your local soil and water conservation district office to get started.