August Highlights from MN Ag in the Classroom

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MAITC Newsletter Banner 6.2.2017

Preparing for a New School Year!

Wow - I don't think there has ever been a crazier start to the school year than 2020! While some school districts are preparing to welcome teachers and students in-person to their classrooms, others are requiring 100% distance learning, and still others are offering a hybrid option. Our Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) program offers agriculture-themed, academic standards-based resources to help in whatever teaching environment you find yourself. Our MAITC team of Education Specialists and Regional Curriculum Specialists is available to offer guidance and help in any way possible. Please reach out to us!

Sending you postive vibes, creativity, stamina and good health for whatever situation you are walking into at the start of this school year!

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Choose between our AgMag editions specifically focused on kindergarten, first-grade, second-grade, third-grade or forth-grade students. When you subscribe, you will automatically receive the fall issue in October and the spring issue in March. We also have fall, winter and spring issues available for fifth-sixth grade students. 

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Food for Thought

The new fifth edition of our geography focused curricular resource, Food for Thought, includes seventeen standards-based lesson plans, forty-two Minnesota county-level maps and a new interactive crop and climate map. Pre-order today to be the first to receive this new resource!

Food for Thought lesson cover

CHS Classroom Grants

The CHS Foundation is providing fifteen, $500 grants to K-12 teachers to use for classroom projects that utilize agricultural concepts to teach reading, writing, math, science, social studies and more. Eligible projects include classroom and schoolyard gardens, embryology projects, aquaculture projects and agricultural literacy reading programs, to name a few.

Learn more and apply!

CHS grant

We're on YouTube!

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for upcoming virtual field trips, how-to videos, and much more!

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Ag Trivia

August Trivia Question: Sadly, the Minnesota State Fair is canceled for 2020, but we can think about the fun that has been had in the past! On average, how many baby animals are born at the CHS Miracle of Birth Center during the Minnesota State Fair?

Send your answer to The first two people to respond with the correct answer will win a reusable MAITC bag.