As the 2019-20 school year ends, Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) wants to thank ALL educators who have explored agriculture with their students! We know this school year did not end how anyone envisioned but we are in awe of how educators rose to the challenge of continuing to provide positive learning expiences for their students. Educators, we sincerely appreciate your energy, enthusiasm, and willingness to integrate agriculture into your classrooms, curricula and distance learning activities. THANK YOU!
The response to our reimagined 2020 Summer Teacher Tour has been AWESOME! We are completely full, with 105 educators registered and anxiously awaiting the first tour session on Tuesday, June 23. This Agriculture Across Minnesota Teacher Tour experience will include four sessions that participants attend from home, with tours of a bison farm, forestry site, bee hives, soybean farm, and school gardens. Attendees will be able to ask questions in real time to our farmers and agriculture experts as well as dive into lessons with our regional specialists. We'll be featuring videos, pictures and additional updates about this experience on Facebook, Instagram and our blog.
Our MAITC team has been sharing glimpses into the world of agriculture through our MN Ag in the Classroom Blog! This blog features fun and easy lesson ideas, activities, and even recipes that students and families can complete at home.
Calling All Pre-K-12 Teachers: free professional development from home! We’ve transitioned from an in-person National Agricutlure in the Classroom (NAITC) Conference to a Virtual Summit on June 24 and 25. We will feature 12, one-hour workshops, 6 on each of the two days, and registration is free of charge to anyone who would like to participate.
Learn more and register for the NAITC Virtual Summit:
The Compeer Financial Fund for Rural America is sponsoring a MORE for Agriculture Grant as an Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) multi-state project. Working with Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin AITC Programs, 7-12 grade teachers are eligible to apply for this grant that will provide a classroom set (approximately 25 copies) of the book Hungry Planet by Peter Menzel to 50 classrooms in each state. Companion educational lessons and resources, as well as an interactive workshop held in July 2020, will also be provided to grant recipients. The application due date has been extended to June 10, 2020.
Please consider applying!
Congratulations to May Trivia winners Elizabeth Simmer and Amy Mastin! Both Amy and Elizabeth knew that the length of gestation for cattle is 283 days or approximately 9 months.
June Trivia Question: June is National Dairy Month! How many dairy farms are there in Minnesota?
Send your answer to The first two people to respond with the correct answer will win a reusable MAITC bag.