Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) is excited to bring you our new Agriculture Across Minnesota Tour. This tour will include four sessions that you attend from your home, with tours of a bison farm, forestry site, bee hives, soybean farm, and school gardens. You will be able to ask questions in real time to our farmers and agriculture experts as well as dive into lessons with our regional specialists.
Apply Today!
Our MAITC team has been sharing glimpses into the world of agriculture through our MAITC Blog! This blog features fun and easy lesson ideas, activities, and even recipes that students can complete while learning from home.
Connecting with educators and colleagues in-person is tough right now, so we've created a Facebook Discussion Group to share ideas, questions, and stories so we can harness our collective brainpower and provide community support!
The Compeer Financial Fund for Rural America is sponsoring a MORE for Agriculture Grant as an Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) multi-state project. Working with Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin AITC Programs, 7-12 grade teachers are eligible to apply for this grant that will provide a classroom set (approximately 25 copies) of the book Hungry Planet by Peter Menzel to 50 classrooms in each state. Companion educational lessons and resources, as well as an interactive workshop held in July 2020, will also be provided to grant recipients. The application due date has been extended to June 10, 2020.
Please consider applying!
Congratulations to April Trivia winners Jeannie Konecne and Crystal Reith! Both Crystal and Jeannie knew that the incubation time for chicken eggs is 21 days.
May Trivia Question: May is National Beef Month! MAITC Regional Curriculum Specialist Sarah Kuschel shared details about her family's Minnesota beef ranch on our Blog. What is the length of gestation (pregnancy) for cattle?
Send your answer to sue.knott@state.mn.us. The first two people to respond with the correct answer will win a reusable MAITC bag.