Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) would like to thank the educational and agricultural communities that have helped us grow agricultural literacy during 2019! We are extremely proud of the positive impact we are making and thank YOU for your support.
Virtual Field Trip: Meadowlark Turkey Farm
Ashley and Jon Klaphake, owners of Meadowlark Turkey Farm, hosted our virtual field trip.
The winter issue of the 4th-6th grade AgMag magazines will be arriving to schools in early January. If you'd like to receive this FREE resource, subscribe today using our online order form. Be sure to visit the AgMag website to find student-focused activities, and digital content as well as teacher guides and supporting resources for grades K-6!
Will Almendinger, from Run River Tree Farm in Oak Grove Minnesota, shares his insight into growing the perfect Christmas tree! Will has been Christmas tree farming for many years, and in 2017 Rum River Tree Farm grew the winning Christmas Tree at the Minnesota State Fair.
To access this podcast and previous podcasts, visit our SoundCloud page and tune in!
Ann Marie Ward of Bemidji, MN has been hired as the new Executive Director of the Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation.
Ann Marie shares, “This opportunity to lead and continue the growth of MAITC, working with a team of amazing staff that are truly powered by passion, will be most rewarding. I am excited to work with supporters, grow new partnerships and pursue the Vision: Ag is valued by all.”
Ann Marie comes to the organization as the previous executive director, Joel Mathiowetz, steps back from the organization. Joel shares, “These past six years have been a blast and I’m humbled and honored to have served as the MAITC Executive Director.”
Outgoing MAITC Foundation Executive Director Joel Mathiowetz and newly hired Executive Director Ann Marie Ward
Congratulations to November Trivia winners Julie Kovacik and Carol Maser! Both Julie and Carol knew that a newly hatched turkey is called a poult.
December Trivia Question: What type of evergreen trees have flat needles?
Send your answer to sue.knott@state.mn.us. The first two people to respond with the correct answer will win a reusable MAITC bag.