As the 2018-19 school year draws to a close, Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) wants to thank ALL teachers who have explored agriculture with their students! We sincerely appreciate your energy, enthusiasm, and willingness to integrate agriculture into your classrooms and curricula. THANK YOU!
AgMag Kindergarten, AgMag First Grade, AgMag Second Grade
New grade-specific AgMag magazines will be available for the first time ever during the 2019-2020 school year! When you subscribe, please choose between our AgMag editions specifically focused on kindergarten, first-grade or second-grade students and academic standards. Once you subscribe, you will automatically receive the fall issue in October and the spring issue in March.
Specialty Crop AgMag for Third Grade
The Specialty Crop AgMag was developed using 3rd grade standards. When you subscribe, you will receive one issue in September.
AgMag for Fourth-Sixth grade
This AgMag is specifically for fourth-sixth grade learners! When you subscribe, you will automatically receive all three editions of AgMag as they are released in October, January and March!
2019 Summer Teacher Tours
Our Summer Teacher Tours are filling up fast! If you are interested in touring agricultural sites, hearing from engaging farmers and agriculturalists, networking with other K-12 educators, and receiving FREE standards-based lesson plans and resources, sign-up ASAP!
 Tour stops: Riverside Farms, H. Brooks Produce, Hopkins school district farm-to-school. Training and hands-on experience with digital storytelling also included.
 Tour stops: Cattle farm, robotic dairy Farm, crop farm, strawberry farm, Grandview Valley Winery, and Shrimp Shop
 Tour stops: Avery Weigh-Tronix, Christensen Research Pig Farm, Morgan Creek Winery, Eversman Solar Farm, and Patsche Farm technology demonstration
 Tour stops: Farmamerica, Half Pint brewery, Midwest Hemp Farms greenhouse, hops field, hemp extraction site
We have a new-and-improved presence on Instagram! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for the latest events, scholarships, lessons, fun facts, photos, videos and more!
Congratulations to May Trivia winners Katrine Bender and Doug Jones! These two were the first to respond with poult as the name for a newly hatched turkey.
June Trivia Question: In the image of June bearing strawberry plants below, what are the red arrows pointing to?
Send your answer to The first two people to respond with the correct answer will win a reusable MAITC bag.