We are VERY excited to celebrate the spring season in agriculture! Buds on trees, new chicks and lambs, and planting fields and gardens are just a few of the visible signs of spring with agricultural roots.
K-2nd grade students learn about the growth and development of sunflowers, identify how sunflower seeds are used, and make a paper plate sunflower illustrating the life cycle of the sunflower.
3rd-5th students use the story of The Empty Pot to explore literature and science, practicing story mapping, and learning about the needs of plants and the importance of soil and water. Like the characters in the story, students will plant and observe the growth of seeds.
6th-8th grade students will extract DNA from a strawberry while highlighting careers in biotechnology and agriculture.
1st grade teacher, St. John Vianney School in Fairmont, MN
How has agriculture and the Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom Program impacted your students and instruction?
This program has helped my students become more aware of how to appreciate agriculture especially since so much of it is right here in Martin County. Many where amazed that the gardens they plant with parents/grandparents are part of our agriculture! It has been amazing to me to see how big their eyes get when they realize the number of hard working people it takes to grow/raise the food that is on their tables at mealtime!
 Ms. Bett's first graders show off their engineering and building skills with the Pigs on the Farm Lesson.
2019 Summer Teacher Tours
We are excited to offer Summer Teacher Tours that allow educators to get a first-hand look into the world of agriculture by visiting farms, processing centers, research facilities, and additional agricultural sites. Resources, hands-on activities, and interactive ideas for integrating agriculture in your curriculum will be also be discussed and shared.
Feed, Seeds and STEM!
June 12, 2019, 8 AM-3:30 PM, Carver County
Tour stops: Dairy farm with automated feeders, Bongards Creamery, seed company, and drone demonstration
Redwood and Renville County Tour
June 27, 2019, 9 AM - 7:30 PM and June 28, 2019, 9 AM - 4 PM, Redwood and Renville counties
Tour stops: Cattle farm, robotic dairy Farm, crop farm, strawberry farm, Grandview Valley Winery, and Shrimp Shop
STEM in Agriculture
July 11, 2019 8:30 AM -8 PM and July 12, 2019, 8:30 AM- 4 PM, Martin and Brown counties
Tour stops: Avery Weigh-Tronix, Christensen Research Pig Farm, Morgan Creek Winery, Eversman Solar Farm, and Patsche Farm technology demonstration
Farmamerica Hands-on Learning with Hops & Hemp
July 30, 2019, 9 AM-4:30 PM, Farmamerica - Waseca area
Tour stops: Farmamerica, Half Pint Brewery, Midwest Hemp Farms greenhouse, hops field, and hemp extraction site
To support teachers and put a face and a story behind our resources, MAITC has created a podcast called "What's Growing on in Minnesota?" This monthly podcast is specifically targeted for teachers or agriculture enthusiasts that want to learn more about agricultural topics and how to utilize our resources. Our March podcast featured University of Minnesota plant scientist Cari Schmitz Carley. Cari focuses on potato research and plant breeding. Listen in as Cari shares about the world of potatoes!
Our April podcast features Beth Sletta. Beth is a 1st-4th grade STEM Specialist at Jefferson Elementary in New Ulm, Minnesota. Beth shares a myriad of fantastic ideas for integrate STEM and agriculture in her STEM laboratory as well as school garden. Beth was recently selected as a 2019 National Excellence in Teaching about Agriculture Award recipient and will be recognized for this achievement the upcoming National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas. Listen in as Beth shares about Ag and STEM connections!
What is the virtual barn? Just like farmers keep their prized possessions (animals and crops for feed) in a barn, we're collecting very important information in our virtual barn - input from educators! Use a MAITC lesson or resource and visit our virtual barn to share your feedback by April 30th to be eligible to win a $20 gift card to Barnes & Noble.
April Trivia Question: Which of the following is classified as a root vegetable: Potatoes, Carrots, Peppers or Broccoli?
Send your answer to sue.knott@state.mn.us. All correct responders within the first 24 hours after the newsletter is sent, will be entered in a drawing to win a MAITC reusable bag!