The Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom Program (MAITC) offered three unique summer tours and one Teacher Day Camp with Farmamerica that allowed over 120 educators to get a first-hand look into the world of agriculture. We thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the teachers who dedicated time to learn about agriculture and how it can be integrated into their curricula. We also want to extend a big thank you to the tour hosts and speakers.
Volunteer with MAITC at the Minnesota State Fair
 If you would like to join us as a volunteer to lead ag literacy activities and talk to teachers, please take a moment to sign-up here. MAITC will provide you with one ticket into the fair. You will receive an email late next week with more details. Sign up here by Wednesday, August 15th.
The Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) Foundation is excited to offer grants to K-12 teachers, as well as 4-H and FFA groups! Applicants are encouraged to be creative and develop interesting, valuable agricultural experiences for their students that address multiple curricular areas.
First Year Teacher Grants! We know that first-year teachers face many exciting opportunities and challenges. To provide assistance and encouragement to new teachers, the MAITC Foundation is offering ten, $250 grants to be awarded to first year teachers to integrate agriculture into their curriculum and classroom.
Applications are due November 1, 2018.
One MAITC Outstanding Teacher Award will be given to an educator currently engaged in classroom instruction at the K-12 grade levels. This award will recognize the teacher for his/her creative efforts to teach students about the importance of agriculture. The winning Minnesota teacher will receive $500 and have up to $1,500 of his/her related expenses paid to attend the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference June 18-21, 2019 in Little Rock, Arkansas. Applications are due November 1, 2018. |
If you would like the AgMag, Specialty Crop AgMag or AgMag Jr. magazine series to arrive in your mailbox this school year, please subscribe today!
Have you checked out the interactive student website? In addition to the current issue, you can find additional content, archive of previous issues and teacher guides!
to our June Ag Trivia winner Jeannie Konecne. Jeannie knew that the three types of corn grown in Minnesota are field corn, sweet corn and popcorn. Congratulations to our other top five responders, Rochelle Koberoski, Kevin Wassenaar, Emily Ponwith, Doug Jones and Myrna Welter.
July Trivia Question: What many pigs did Minnesota pig farmers market in 2017? (hint: its in the millions)
Send your answer to . The first person to reply with the correct answer will win a MAITC reusable bag!