The Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) Foundation is excited to offer ag literacy grants to Minnesota
K-12 educators to encourage them to bring agriculture and food systems
education "to life" by effectively integrating related content into
their classroom or school. Applications are due November 5, 2016. |
Going to MEA? Stop by the exhibit show and see Minnesota Ag in the Classroom's Sue Knott at booth #216 at MEA. MAITC is also offering a workshop titled "From STEM to Plate: Agriculure and STEM Connections" on Thursday, October 20th from 2:20-3:20 in meeting room 5.
Where and what
level do you currently teach and why did you choose to become an educator
currently work for the Minnesota Ag in the Classroom Foundation as an Ag
Literacy Specialist. What that means is
that I reach out to schools and provide help to teachers that wish to
incorporate ag focused lessons in their classrooms. I work with many different grades
levels. When I was teaching full time at
Blackduck Elementary School, I taught Kindergarten for 7 years and sixth grade
for 7 years.
If you are a K-12 teacher who uses innovative strategies for integrating agriculture into your curriculum, apply for the MAITC Outstanding Teacher Award! This award recognizes a teacher for his/her creative efforts to teach students about the importance of agriculture. The winning Minnesota teacher will receive $500 and have up to $1,500 of his/her related expenses paid to attend the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference June 20-23, 2017 in Kansas City. Applications are due November 1, 2016.
2016 MAITC Outstanding Teacher Award Winner Tom Frericks with MAITC staff Al Withers and Sue Knott
October is all about pumpkins! Check out the lessons from the Curriculum Matrix and pumpkin production videos below!
October Trivia - In honor of Farm to School month, this month's trivia question is: How much $$ can the MDA award through the Farm to School grant program? (HINT: Check out the Farm to School website!) The first person to email the correct answer will win a mystery prize.
Email your answer to Keri Sidle to be eligible for the prize!