While Minnesota Housing just announced the 2022 Consolidated RFP funding selections in December 2022, it is already time for you to start thinking about and planning for the 2023 Multifamily Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP) and 2024 Housing Tax Credits (HTC) Round 1! Please review the following information and important dates.
We have also included information about the HUD Section 811 Project-Based Rental Assistance (HUD Section 811 PRA) Program, the selection preference for Innovative Construction Techniques Pre-Applications, and new changes to High Priority Homeless and People with Disability units.
In this eNews
REMINDER: 2023 Housing Tax Credit Program Round 2 Due Friday, February 24, 2023
Minnesota Housing is now accepting applications for Round 2 of the 2023 Housing Tax Credit (HTC) Program. Currently, there is $81,180 in HTCs available. The Housing Tax Credits webpage will be updated if additional HTCs become available.
Status of Other Funding During HTC Round 2
Not Available:
- Additional deferred loan resources.
Important Dates
Intent to Apply (ITA) submissions are not applicable to HTC Round 2.
Supplemental Priority in HTC Round 2
Chapter 2.E of the 2022 -2023 Qualified Allocation Plan states, projects that have previously received HTCs from Minnesota Housing or a suballocator and have an annual HTC shortfall of at least 5%—but not more than 33.33% of the total qualified annual HTC amount, and subject to Minnesota Housing approval—will have priority over other applicants in HTC Round 2 and those on the waiting list. If more than one project qualifies under the supplemental priority, Minnesota Housing will evaluate and rank eligible requests according to points claimed in the Self-Scoring Worksheet.
Refer to the Application Resources webpage and Multifamily Application Instructions for details on how to apply.
HTC questions? Visit the Housing Tax Credits webpage or email the Housing Tax Credit team at htc.mhfa@state.mn.us.
Questions regarding the Pre-Application for HUD Section 811 PRA? Contact Ellie Miller at ellie.miller@state.mn.us or 651.215.6236.
REMINDER: New and Renewed Applications for Placement on the Market Analyst List Due Friday, February 3, 2023
Minnesota Housing is now accepting new applications and renewals from market analysts who wish to be added to the Market Analyst List. If your organization is currently on the Market Analyst List, refer to the renewal date on the list. Current authorized market analysts must renew their application every three years.
Market analysts not already authorized, or whose authorization expires Wednesday, March 1, 2023, must apply to Minnesota Housing by noon Central Time on Friday, February 3, 2023, to be considered for authorization to submit a market study in the 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2024 HTC Round 1. Application materials and more information can be found at the following links:
The Internal Revenue Code Section 42(m)(1)(A)(iii) requires HTC projects to select an authorized market analyst to complete a market study when submitting an HTC project proposal for funding. Market analysts must be authorized by Minnesota Housing before developers can submit market studies for the 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2024 HTC Round 1, HTC Round 2, and 4% Only funding rounds.
Refer to the Additional HTC Application Reference Materials section on the Housing Tax Credits webpage, or email the Housing Tax Credit team at htc.mhfa@state.mn.us.
2023 Multifamily Consolidated Request for Proposals/2024 Housing Tax Credits Round 1 Application Dates
The expected dates for the 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2024 HTC Round 1 are listed below.
Wednesday, March 22: Early application materials release and pre-application release for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Section 811 Project-based Rent Assistance (HUD Section 811 PRA) Program and Innovative Construction Techniques
Wednesday, April 12: 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2024 HTC Round 1 published and Intent to Apply and application materials available in the Multifamily Customer Portal
Thursday, April 27: Pre-applications due for HUD Section 811 PRA and Innovative Construction Techniques
Wednesday, May 10: Applicants will be notified of HUD Section 811 PRA and Innovative Construction Techniques eligibility
Thursday, May 11 at noon Central Time: Intent to Apply deadline – required for all 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP applications
Thursday, July 13 at noon Central Time: 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2024 HTC Round 1 application deadline
December: Minnesota Housing board members meeting
Stay up to date on 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2024 HTC Round 1 news and updates by signing up for our eNews list or email mhfa.consolidated.rfp@state.mn.us.
Save the Date: 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2024 HTC Round 1 Kickoff Event
In preparation for the 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2024 HTC Round 1, Minnesota Housing will host a virtual RFP/HTC and Technical Assistance Kickoff event on Tuesday, April 18 and Wednesday, April 19. Whether you are new to the Consolidated RFP/HTC or have applied previously, the kickoff event will be informative. Registration information will be provided at a later date.
Pre-Application: HUD Section 811 Project-Based Rental Assistance (HUD Section 811 PRA) Program
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Section 811 PRA is a program to expand the supply of supportive housing that promotes and facilitates community integration for people with significant and long-term disabilities. In partnership with the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Minnesota Housing was awarded funding for approximately 160 new units of HUD Section 811 PRA.
It is anticipated that HUD Section 811 PRA program funds will be available for units for people with disabilities through the 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP. Applicants must submit a HUD Section 811 PRA pre-application to determine eligibility for the program prior to submitting a full Multifamily Consolidated RFP application. Applicants will be notified about eligibility for the program prior to the application due date.
Wednesday, March 22: HUD Section 811 PRA pre-application materials released
Thursday, April 27 at noon Central Time: HUD Section 811 PRA pre-applications due in the Multifamily Customer Portal
Wednesday, May 10: Minnesota Housing will review pre-applications and inform applicants whether their project may be awarded HUD Section 811 PRA units.
For questions about HUD Section 811 PRA, contact Ellie Miller at ellie.miller@state.mn.us or 651.215.6236; for information about the program, visit Minnesota Housing’s HUD Section 811 webpage.
Pre-Application: Preference for Innovative Construction Techniques
Minnesota Housing is offering a selection preference for projects that will use Innovative Construction Techniques (ICT). To be eligible for this selection preference, a pre-application is required for projects that will achieve or will pilot a technique to achieve one or both of the following goals:
- Reduce total construction cost by at least 10%, and/or
- Reduce the time a project is under construction by at least 20%
Refer to the 2024-2025 Self-Scoring Worksheet for additional details on how the preference will be used to evaluate different project proposal types that apply in the 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP, and in accordance with the 2024-2025 Qualified Allocation Plan and the 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP Application Instructions. For more information, visit the Housing Tax Credits webpage.
Wednesday, March 22: ICT pre-application materials released
Thursday, April 27 at noon: ICT pre-applications due in the Multifamily Customer Portal
Tuesday, May 10: Minnesota Housing will review pre-applications and inform applicants whether their proposed ICT is approved for the ICT preference
For questions about ICT, contact Mike Thomas, Staff Architect, at mike.thomas@state.mn.us or 651.276.1170.
NEW: Applications with High Priority Homeless (HPH) and People with Disabilities (PWD) Units
New application materials and processes for the 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2024 HTC Round 1 reflect the changes made in the 2024-2025 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) and Self-Scoring Worksheet.
Applications that include supportive housing units will have different application requirements based on the percentage of the total units that are supportive housing. There are two categories of projects that include units designated for households that qualify as High Priority Homeless (HPH) and/or People with Disabilities (PWD) units:
Partially Supportive Housing: Less than 50% of the total units will serve HPH, PWD, or other homeless households*.
Primarily Supportive Housing: 50% or more of the total units will serve HPH, PWD, or other homeless households*.
*Other homeless households include (i) individuals leaving institutions that do not have a permanent residence or (ii) other homeless populations not referred by the Coordinated Entry System
Applications that qualify as Partially Supportive Housing have simplified and streamlined application submission requirements that remove and replace many of the documents required in prior Multifamily Consolidated RFPs. Applicants are not required to have a plan or secured resources for the HPH and PWD units (Tier One) at the time of application. The purpose of this change is to reduce the up-front time and cost for planning for the supportive housing units and preparing application materials. Projects that are selected for funding will then complete the planning process and submission requirements for the supportive housing units post-selection, and before closing on funding or prior to HTC carryover.
Forms required for the Partially Supportive Housing application are:
- Partially Supportive Housing Certification Form (a new form)
- Notification to the Continuum of Care (CoC) and county or Tribal human services office (this is different from the CoC Confirmation form required for Primarily Supportive Housing and does not require a meeting with CoC)
EXCEPTION: Applicants applying for HUD Section 811 PRA units under PWD Tier Two must submit the required pre-application and application materials as requested on the application checklist in the Multifamily Customer Portal.
For applications that qualify as Primarily Supportive Housing, the application process remains the same, although some documents have been streamlined. The Supportive Housing Narrative and Narrative for Units for People with Disabilities have been merged into one narrative to be completed with the service provider and the county or Tribal human services office (for PWD units).
The required submission forms will be listed on the applicable checklist for Primarily Supportive Housing or Partially Supportive Housing and HUD Section 811 units in the Multifamily Customer Portal.
Technical Assistance is Available
Minnesota Housing wants to help applicants submit strong proposals. Technical assistance is strongly encouraged. Check out the technical assistance and training opportunities below.
View training tutorials on our Application Resources webpage (scroll down to the training section).
2024-2025 Housing Tax Credit Qualified Allocation Plan Approved by the Minnesota Housing Board
The Minnesota Housing board approved the 2024-2025 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) at the November 2022 board meeting. The final step is to gain the governor’s approval, which is expected in January 2023. For final QAP materials and updates on the governor’s response, visit the Housing Tax Credits webpage.
Thank you to our partners and the public for providing feedback throughout the QAP development process. The 2024-2025 QAP is expanding on the 2022-2023 QAP, focusing on communities most impacted by housing instability and housing disparities. We look forward to more opportunities to collaborate with you in the future, increasing access to affordable and deeply targeted rental housing, and finding creative ways to meet the housing needs in Minnesota communities. Visit our HTC webpage for updates and opportunities to engage with Minnesota Housing.
Email the Housing Tax Credit team at htc.mhfa@state.mn.us.
Shopping for a First Mortgage or Thinking about Refinancing?
Minnesota Housing wants to work with you for all your multifamily first mortgage needs! Our Low and Moderate Income Rental (LMIR) first mortgages have terms up to 40 years for new construction or 35 years for rehabilitation or refinance. Our first mortgages are available year-round.
View our current interest rates and terms to learn more about what we offer.
Contact Mike Tobias, First Mortgage Program Manager, at michael.tobias@state.mn.us to get started.