Topics and Issues for Providers Serving People Experiencing Homelessness
August 24, 2022
We have cancelled the webinar today, August 24. We hope you enjoy these last few weeks of summer and we will see you all again next week on August 31 from 1:00 -2:00 p.m.
Help Spread the Word: September Speakers Bureau
The Minnesota Interagency Council on Homelessness hosts a weekly webinar and the opening 20 minutes of the webinar on the first Wednesday of each month is reserved for Speakers Bureau members to share. Anyone who has lived experience of homelessness is welcome to sign-up to share through the Speakers Bureau. This is open time each month for lived experience experts to share ideas and feedback with the webinar audience. Additional details can be found on this flyer.
The next webinar Speakers Bureau will be on Wednesday, September 7 at 1:00 p.m. (shifted from the first Wednesday of the month due to the holiday week). There is a monthly prep session held the Tuesday before the webinar. The prep session will be Tuesday, September 6 from 3:00-3:30 p.m. Follow this link to join the prep session. This is an ongoing opportunity that happens each month.
In 2021, the Minnesota legislature created a Task Force on Shelter. The legislature asked the group to develop standards for shelters and to explore state oversight of shelters.
The Task Force has drafted shelter standards and is working on recommendations about shelter oversight. Members are seeking feedback from the public to finish their work. They’ll look at everything the public says and decide how to change their standards and oversight recommendations. The Task Force wants its recommendations to work for people and shelters around the state, and members can only make sure that happens if they get feedback from a lot of different people.
The Task Force is seeking your feedback on two things:
Standards for shelter: The Task Force has drafted 12 categories of standards for shelters in Minnesota. “Standards” means rules and guidelines for how shelters should work. The general idea is that all shelters in Minnesota should have to follow a common list of standards, so everyone using shelter has a good, safe experience.
Oversight of shelter: The Task Force is also hoping to hear people’s thoughts on shelter oversight. “Oversight of shelter” means that someone makes sure shelters are the kind of place where people feel safe and welcome. There are many ways to “oversee” shelters, and the Task Force wants to hear what people think.
How you can share your thoughts: Visit the Task Force on Shelter website to find the draft standards for review and all the details on each way to provide feedback. Here is an overview on the seven ways you can provide your input:
Online comment form
Community conversations (self-guided group discussions)
Online, facilitated conversations with the general public (All the zoom links can be found on the Task Force on Shelter website)
Tuesday August 30 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
- Saturday, September 10 from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Online, facilitated conversations with shelter staff and volunteers All the zoom links can be found on the Task Force on Shelter website)
Wednesday, August 31 from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Thursday, September 8 from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Monday, September 12 from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 20 from 10:30 – 12:00 p.m.
The Task Force is taking feedback through Friday, September 23. Please consider sharing your own thoughts with the Task Force and passing on these opportunities to people you know! If you have any questions about your registration, please email Sue Hite-Kirk, sue.hite-kirk@state.mn.us.
To support the work to end Veteran homelessness in our state, the Minnesota Department of Veteran Affairs (MDVA) is engaging veterans and former service members who have lived experience of homelessness to hear about the experiences navigating through homeless services to obtain permanent housing. Share your perspective and ideas to help MDVA determine the most important steps to take to tackle inequalities and reduce accessibility disparities. There are two ways to get involved:
Listening Circles: MDVA is holding a series of small group listening circles to hear from veterans who have lived experience of homelessness and identify as BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and/or Women about their experiences. Participants will be compensated for their time and refreshments will be provided. Check out the Minneapolis flyer and St. Paul flyer to find more details on the meeting dates and how to join!
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Ending Veteran Homelessness Work Group: MDVA is seeking individuals to participate in the Work Group that will meet monthly to review information received during the listening circles and determine actionable next steps in reducing the disparities to access and services as identified during the circle sessions. MDVA is seeking Veterans who have lived experience of homelessness and identify as BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and/or Women and individuals who are a stakeholder or ally to these Veteran groups to join the Work Group. Participants with lived experience of homelessness will be compensated for their time and refreshments will be provided. Check out the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Work Group flyer for more details on the meeting dates and how to join!
Cases among people experiencing homelessness and the staff who support continues to remain steady. The MDH team continues to monitor cases and our team continues to plan alongside local public health and emergency management on ways to be best prepared to support people experiencing homelessness through any future surges. If you are looking for any information or resources you can find information at https://mich.mn.gov/covid-19 or email Health.R-Congregate@state.mn.us.
The Minnesota HIV Housing Coalition has issued a request for proposals from interested and qualified individuals and companies to update and implement the Minnesota HIV Housing Strategic Plan. The coalition seeks a strategic planning consultant to actualize the vision and goals outlined in the MN HIV Housing Plan. The consultant’s work will include updating the plan, setting up a framework for implementation, leveraging partnerships state-wide, and ensuring continuous improvement methods are in place along the way. You can find the full RFP details and more information on the Minnesota HIV Housing Coalition here.
Help us spread the word about a new newsletter for engagement opportunities for people who have experienced or are currently facing homelessness. The Minnesota Interagency Council on Homelessness is building a new newsletter list to share opportunities for people who have faced or are currently facing homelessness to share their input, ideas, and expertise. Interested individuals can sign up for the newsletter by filling out this form. We will share a range of opportunities in this newsletter from state agencies and partner organizations and the newsletter will be sent out as opportunities are available. Please email elizabeth.dressel@state.mn.us if you have any questions.
The Minnesota Interagency Council on Homelessness is hiring for a new Deputy Director. For more information and to apply, go to https://mn.gov/mmb/careers/ and search for job #58188. The position closes on August 31. Help spread the job posting with your networks!
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