Topics and Issues for Providers Serving People Experiencing Homelessness
August 9, 2022
As of August 9, there have been 55 cases of monkeypox (MPX) confirmed in Minnesota, including one case among a person experiencing homelessness. MPX is not as easily spread as COVID-19. While MPX can be transmitted through clothing, bedding, or towels that has been in direct contact with a person with MPX, it is primarily spreading through sustained close and/or skin-to-skin contact, such as kissing, hugging, or sex. MDH staff will present on the Weekly Provider Webinar tomorrow, August 10, about MPX and what congregate settings and other homeless service providers can do to prevent the spread of MPX and respond to cases in their programs.
Join the weekly webinar tomorrow from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.to hear from MDH and ask questions. If you have any questions about your registration, please email Elizabeth Dressel.
MDH has added two new resources on their website for congregate living facilities:
Additionally, MDH encourages facilities to onboard the testing contractor, HHSI, now if they anticipate using HHSI to conduct pop-up testing or specimen processing in the future. Onboarding early, before facilities have an urgent need for testing, will help to ensure a smooth and timely testing experience if and when an outbreak occurs and testing is needed. Facilities interested in onboarding with HHSI can contact the COVID-19 Highly Impacted Settings team at Health.R-congregate@state.mn.us to get the process started.
Cases among people experiencing homelessness and the staff who support continues to remain steady. The MDH team continues to monitor cases and our team continues to plan alongside local public health and emergency management on ways to be best prepared to support people experiencing homelessness through any future surges.
HomeHelpMN has lifted the August deadline for applying. Homeowners with past-due mortgage payments and other eligible housing expenses can now apply for assistance as long as funds remain. While this removes August 17 as a deadline, homeowners should still apply as soon as possible.
Fund availability depends on the number of eligible homeowners who apply and the amount of assistance requested. A submitted application is not a guarantee of funding availability. The program budgeted $109 million to help homeowners who experienced a reduction in income or an increase in household expenses as a result of the pandemic. As of July 31, over 4,300 homeowners had requested assistance. While there is now no application deadline, homeowners with past-due expenses are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.
The HomeHelpMN dashboard is available on the program website. To begin an application or learn more, visit HomeHelpMN.org or call 800-388-3226.
The Minnesota Shelter Emergency Staffing Pool continues to be available. This initiative provides temporary staff to congregate settings serving people experiencing homelessness or domestic violence to support settings that are experiencing acute COVID-19 related staffing challenges. This free resource is offered through a partnership between ServeMinnesota and Worldwide Travel Staffing. It does not require eligible settings to cover any of the costs of the temporary staff and there are staff ready to deploy. Both nonprofit and for-profit congregate settings serving people experiencing homelessness and domestic violence and are experiencing staffing impacts from an active COVID-19 outbreak are eligible to apply. You can fill out the application for emergency staffing support online. If you have questions about the application or process, please send an email to Naomi Zuk-Fisher, ServeMN consultant and Minnesota Shelter Emergency Staffing Pool lead.
Help us spread the word about a new newsletter for engagement opportunities for people who have experienced or are currently facing homelessness. The Minnesota Interagency Council on Homelessness is building a new newsletter list to share opportunities for people who have faced or are currently facing homelessness to share their input, ideas, and expertise. Interested individuals can sign up for the newsletter by filling out this form. We will share a range of opportunities in this newsletter from state agencies and partner organizations and the newsletter will be sent out as opportunities are available. Please email elizabeth.dressel@state.mn.us if you have any questions.
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