Topics and Issues for Providers Serving People Experiencing Homelessness
July 5, 2022
We have cancelled the webinar tomorrow, July 6. We will see you all again on July 13 from 1:00 -2:00 p.m. Since July 6 is the first Wednesday of the month, the Speakers Bureau will be moved out a week to July 13. Anyone who has lived experience of homelessness is welcome to sign-up to share through the Speakers Bureau. This is open time each month for lived experience experts to share ideas and feedback with the webinar audience. All the details can be found on this flyer.
The July prep session will be Tuesday, July 12 from 3:00-3:30 p.m. Follow this link to join the prep session.
Last week, Jill Hillebregt from the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS), provided guidance when helping people experiencing homelessness apply for SSA disability benefits. You can review the full presentation and slides at: https://mich.mn.gov/weekly-webinar.
The presentation highlighted points for completing the online SSA application with an individual facing homelessness to make it easier for SA and Disability Determination Services staff to know that a client is homeless and that they need to flag the case as such so that the client receives special case processing. To help staff flag the application it is important to include the following sentence in the remarks section: The claimant meets SSA’s definition of homeless according to POMS DI 11005.004. When completing a paper SSA application, add this same sentence in the Remarks section on page 5. Click here to review SSA’s definition of homelessness.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a first-of-its-kind package of resources for unsheltered homelessness and homeless encampments. The Initiative for Unsheltered and Rural Homelessness will help communities humanely and effectively implement coordinated approaches for solving unsheltered homelessness with housing, health care, and supportive services. The $365 million package includes:
$322 million in Continuum of Care (CoC) Program grants, with $54.5 million set aside specifically for rural communities, through a Special Notice of Funding Opportunity to fund homeless outreach, permanent housing, supportive services, and other costs. The grants will fund projects for three years then will be eligible for renewal through the annual CoC Program.
$43 million for approximately 4,000 new Housing Choice Vouchers that will be allocated through a separate notice to public housing authorities. The vouchers can serve people who are:
experiencing or at risk of homelessness
fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking
Veterans and their families if they meet one of the proceeding criteria
oin a webinar on Understanding the Special NOFO to Address Unsheltered and Rural Homelessness hosted by the National Alliance to End Homelessness on Thursday, July 7 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. CT. Join the webinar to learn more about the structure, scoring, and priorities of this funding opportunity, so that communities can craft the most competitive applications possible. You can learn more and register here
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