Thank you for the incredible feedback and ideas you provided during our discussion last week on transitional housing. If you missed the discussion or want to go back, you can review the Menti responses or recording.
We are excited to continue the conversation to solicit your guidance and advice about the proposed investments being considered at the Legislature. Your feedback will provide critical insight that helps shape the processes for these funds to be requested, for allocations to be determined, and for expectations to be set related to the use of these resources. Tomorrow’s conversation will focus on health and behavioral health interventions. Ahead of the discussion tomorrow, please consider the following questions:
- What are some of the obstacles people with mental illness, substance use disorder (SUD) and/or chronic health conditions face in your communities in securing safe housing?
- What programs or services have been successful in your community to support people experiencing homelessness with mental health, SUD, and/or chronic health conditions?
- If there were new dollars, how would you spend them to support people with mental health, SUD, and/or chronic health conditions who are experiencing homelessness?
- How should providing behavioral health services be integrated with homeless services?
- How can harm reduction approaches (e.g., syringe exchange, HIV testing, overdose prevention/reversal) be implemented in accessible ways in your communities?
- What supports or resources do staff need to provide services to people with mental health, SUD, and/or chronic health conditions?
Join the discussion tomorrow from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. to share your ideas and insights! If you have any questions about your registration, please email Elizabeth Dressel.
We greatly appreciate your help spreading the word about these discussions over the next two months, to make sure that we collect the best guidance and recommendations about these funds ahead of final decisions being made at the Capitol. Check out the conversation schedule here.
Rainbow Research is launching Justice Work Groups that will create a unified, operational definition of housing, racial, and health justice for people experiencing homelessness. This definition will drive the development of strategies and specific actions that will shape the statewide plan.
We invite you to join participants from across Minnesota, including leaders with lived experience of homelessness, to co-create this operational definition. All are welcome to join. There are two ways you can participate detailed in this flyer. The success of this process depends upon gathering a wide variety of perspectives and expertise and we appreciate your help spreading the word about this opportunity!
Find all the information on how to join the work groups and community conversations on the Heading Home Alliance site.
- Minnesota Housing along with its partners announced that the 2022 Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP) is now open for applications.The annual Consolidated RFP process makes funding available to help build and preserve homes that are affordable in communities throughout Minnesota. Learn more about the specific guidance and contacts for technical assistance for single-family and multifamily applications in the RFP announcement.
- Minnesota Housing has issued a RFP inviting interested parties to submit proposals for the purpose of developing and executing a HOME-ARP Allocation Plan that will be submitted to HUD for approval. The HOME-ARP Allocation Plan will include the creation of a needs assessment, a gaps analysis, recommendations of HOME-ARP activities that Minnesota Housing would consider, and an implementation plan for carrying out those activities. Review the full RFP materials here. Proposal materials must be submitted via email to later than 5:00 p.m. CT on Tuesday, May 10, 2022.
The Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless (MCH) has announced the Call for Presenters for their 2022 Annual Conference. The conference is scheduled for September 29-30 in Duluth. The theme is Reflect & Refresh: Deepening Understanding and Community Care. Learn more and submit your proposal for a presentation. Proposals are due by June 5, 2022. If you have a question, please contact
 The number of COVID-19 cases among people experiencing have remained stable in the last week.
On April 7, the Governor signed Executive Order 22-07, launching a new interagency subcabinet and advisory council to combat the opioid epidemic. The Executive Order includes the establishment of a 15-member Governor’s Advisory Council on Opioids, Substance Use, and Addiction. If you are interested in applying for an open seat on the Advisory Council, visit the Minnesota Secretary of State's website. Applicants are encouraged to include supporting materials, such as a resume, cover letter, or other materials detailing their relevant experiences. Applications are due April 28.
All providers can request vaccine clinics through the Community Vaccination Event Request Form. Providers can request to host a vaccine clinic within their facility or a mobile clinic through a mobile vaccination bus. Providers can request a one-time clinic or recurring clinics. MDH can provide support with vaccination incentives, interpreters, logistical needs, promotion material and support staff during the clinics. If onsite support from MDH is needed, providers may need to execute a site agreement with MDH prior to the clinic. Organizations must complete the request form by May 20, 2022 to schedule clinics on or before June 30, 2022.