Today Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan announced their 2022 Local Jobs and Projects Plan – their capital investment recommendation for the upcoming legislative session. The $2.7 billion plan invests in critical projects that preserve existing infrastructure and historical assets, address current needs in communities across the state, and build a stronger future for Minnesota.
This proposal includes historic investments for our collective work to ensure every Minnesotan has a safe and affordable place to call home. Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan’s 2022 Local Jobs and Projects Plan includes more than $450 million in safe and affordable housing projects. This includes a historic $250 million investment in Housing Infrastructure Bonds to provide supportive housing for Minnesotans across the state and $60 million in general obligation (GO) bonds for public housing. Additionally, the plan includes $72 million in capital for emergency shelters to improve and expand overnight emergency shelter options for individuals and families experiencing homelessness throughout the state, and $80 million in GO bonds for residential options for veterans.
You can read the Governor’s full press release here and find more information on the 2022 Local Jobs and Projects Plan here. In the coming weeks, the Governor and Lieutenant Governor will announce additional investments to maximize the impact of these capital proposals and stretch every dollar to achieve the greatest impact for Minnesotans possible.
The Office of Economic Opportunity at the Department of Human Services is seeking proposals from qualified responders (non-profit organizations, local unit of governments, Tribal governments) to acquire and/or renovate, equip, and furnish emergency shelter facilities for individuals and/or families experiencing homelessness. The request for proposal can be found on the DHS Open Grants, RFPs, and RFIs page. Proposals are due January 28, 2022.
Awarded funds will prioritize investments that help congregate shelter settings prevent transmission of infectious diseases, including physical modifications to spaces to reduce transmission risks or increase physical separation of shelter guests, and acquisition of new shelter space that can operate effectively either by design or through renovation in the context of an infectious disease outbreak. Approximately $17 million is available in grants. Please contact Katelyn Warburton with any questions.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 Response for Corrections and Homelessness Section is hosting a webinar on Quarantine and Isolation in Correctional Facilities and Homeless Service Sites on Thursday, January 20, 2022 from 12:00 -1:00 p.m. Central Time.
CDC will review the updated quarantine and isolation recommendations for these settings and three communities will share how they have adapted their quarantine and isolation approaches during the current surge of COVID-19. Staff from health departments, correctional facilities, and homeless service settings are all encouraged to join.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar from the CDC.
Minnesota Housing is seeking proposals from providers for up to $9 million to award Housing Stability Services funding through the federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program established by the American Rescue Plan of 2021. The Housing Stability Services funds may be used for two specific activities: eviction prevention services and housing navigation services. Direct assistance such as rent, utilities, or other housing related payments are not eligible expenses.
Eligible applicants include tribal nations, nonprofits, cities, and counties. Collaborative applications, including those from Continuum of Care regions or tribal nations, are encouraged. Eligible applicants will have demonstrated experience working with populations that are most likely to need supportive services to resolve their housing crisis.
Application materials are due on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. (noon) CT and must be submitted using Minnesota Housing’s online Multifamily Secure Upload Tool. For application materials and more information, visit Minnesota Housing’s website. Please email Michelle Doyal at, with any questions.
The next webinar Speakers Bureau will be on Wednesday, February 2 at 1:00 p.m. There is still space to sign up to speak. Help us spread the word about this opportunity with the people you work with. Anyone who has lived experience of homelessness is welcome to sign-up to share through the Speakers Bureau. This will be open time each month for lived experience experts to share ideas and feedback with the webinar audience. All the details can be found on this flyer.
There is a monthly optional prep session held the Tuesday before the webinar. The February prep session will be Tuesday, February 1 from 3:00-3:30 p.m. Follow this link to join the optional prep session.
Please email or call Elizabeth at 651-248-5548 with any questions or to sign up to join the Speakers Bureau. This will be an ongoing opportunity each month. Anyone is welcome to sign up for future months as well.
Fiscal Recovery Funds for Shelter (FRF-Shelter) from the DHS Office of Economic Opportunity continue to be available to support rapid responses to outbreaks in shelters and other temporary congregate settings for people experiencing homelessness or domestic violence. The survey to request funding can be found on the Heading Home Alliance website. Answers to frequently asked questions and additional information can be found on the funding page.
Reminder to join the weekly provider webinar tomorrow from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Our team will be available to answer your questions. If you have any questions about your registration, please email Elizabeth Dressel.