Available Funding: Workforce Housing Development Program
This competitive funding program targets small to medium-sized cities, communities or areas in Greater Minnesota with rental workforce housing needs. Anticipated funding of approximately $4 million will be available to build market rate residential rental properties in communities with proven job growth and demand for workforce rental housing. Communities are required to secure funds that match one dollar for every two dollars in funding offered through the program.
Applications are due by 12:00 p.m. CT on Tuesday, January 11, 2022. Please visit our website for application materials and to learn more about the program.
Who Can Apply?
Eligible applicants must satisfy the following requirements:
- Must be an eligible project area (generally small and medium-sized cities in Greater Minnesota – refer to our website for more information).
- Must be working with a developer.
- Must have a viable proposal for the development of a market rate residential rental property, which can include mixed income.
NOTE: Minnesota Housing will not review applications submitted by developers.
Minimum Application Requirements
- Projects must expand workforce housing in the community.
- Projects must certify that the community has a vacancy rate below at or below 5%.
- Projects must submit a letter of support from a local business that employs a minimum of 20 full-time employees.
- Projects must provide a local government resolution that states that matching funds from the local government, a nonprofit organization, or a business have been committed and those funds match one dollar for every two dollars requested.
- The developer or an entity affiliated with the developer cannot be the source of matching funds.
- Preference will be given to applicants who have a match commitment higher than the statutory minimum of one dollar for every two dollars.
- Funds requested cannot exceed 25% of the rental housing development project costs of Funds requested cannot exceed 25% of the rental housing development costs of the project.
- Projects must demonstrate that construction will begin within 12 months of grant contract execution.
- Projects located within an Opportunity Zone will receive preference.
Learn More about the Workforce Housing Development Program
You can learn more about the Workforce Housing Development Program by attending an informational webinar on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. CT.
If you need technical assistance, contact Sara Bunn at sara.bunn@state.mn.us or 651.296.9827.
Application Due Date
Applications are due by 12:00 p.m. CT on Tuesday, January 11, 2022. Minnesota Housing staff anticipate making recommendations to the Minnesota Housing board in late April 2022.
Contact Sara Bunn at sara.bunn@state.mn.us or 651.296.9827.
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