Legislative Update
This week was short as the State Legislature had break to observe Holy Week. It is a time to reflect on the death of Jesus, celebrate His resurrection, and remind each of us of the blessings we have due to His sacrifice. Enjoy this special time with friends and family.
Due to inclement weather, some committee hearings were canceled and groups who had scheduled a Day on the Hill were postponed. One group that weathered the storm was the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW).
Our legislative focus was on religious freedom. Thank you to everyone who attended the religious freedom press conference, emailed, called, and sent letters regarding this infringement on our 1st Amendment rights.
Update on Religious Freedom
Before the 2023 legislative session, gender identity was included - or subsumed - within the Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA) definition of sexual orientation, and the still-existing religious exemption for sexual orientation covered gender identity claims as well. When a new, separate definition of gender identity was created last year, there was no corresponding religious exemption added. The religious exemption ensures religious organizations and faith-based schools can, among other things, hire teachers and ministers consistent with their mission and values. This change caused alarm among Minnesota’s faith community. Many faith leaders in our district have reached out to me regarding the change in statute.
A Religious Freedom press conference was held on Monday where dozens of religious leaders from around the state joined Republicans in calling for the religious freedom exemption to be restored in the MHRA, protecting religious organizations and faith-based schools against claims of gender identity discrimination.
Shortly after the press conference, during the House session, Republicans called for an urgency to take up a bill (HF 3962) that would restore this exemption. However, the majority party tabled the motion to make this happen. Following committee votes in both the House and Senate, this is the third time this session the majority party has at least temporarily blocked an attempt at restoring the religious freedom language to the MHRA. It remains unclear when, or if, the majority party will allow the House to revisit the bill, leaving the fate of religious freedom in Minnesota uncertain.
State of the State
Our Governor gave his 2024 State of the State address this week. The speech was an optimistic view of One Minnesota, highlighting several achievements from education and cutting taxes for seniors, to investing in public safety. There is a difference of opinion as to whether these achievements are successful.
If you remember one thing about the legislative session, life in Minnesota has become unaffordable under a one-party Democrat control. Despite a nearly $18 Billion surplus, our taxes were raised by $10 Billion, and the government grew by nearly 40%. Our surplus was squandered and promises to give residents $2000 rebates were broken. Instead, we had to settle for the crumbs of $260 each and had to pay taxes on the rebate.
There is much to do to overcome excessive and burdensome mandates, new agencies, business-destroying regulations, and high crime rates. Minnesota is becoming an unaffordable state to live in with gas, groceries, and energy prices continuing to rise. It has become clear that Minnesota needs balance to support families and businesses. We need to restore common sense in state government.
Capitol Visits
This week, I enjoyed hearing from a Watertown resident who is a member of IBEW. We talked about legislation that affects his profession.
Have a very happy and safe Easter weekend and God Bless!