Legislative Update
Yesterday, Minnesota Management and Budget presented this year's February forecast. The forecast still shows that we're on the verge of a deficit, with the state spending more money than it's taking in by nearly $1.5 billion.
Even with the economy growing, there still isn't enough tax revenue to meet the Democrat majority's spending demands, and Minnesota families and small businesses are overtaxed and overburdened by the state.
Last session, Democrats spent the entire $17.5 billion surplus and raised another $10 billion in taxes on Minnesotans to fund a massive 40 percent growth in government. Now, we need to cut wasteful spending and fraud, to bring the budget under control instead of trying to maintain last session's reckless spending.
With the hundreds of millions earmarked for illegal immigrants, in addition to giving drivers licenses and adding access across the board to state programs (even ones specifically not allowed by federal regulations and law); which was not fully taken into account in the budget forecast. An overloaded lifeboat will sink. We see evidence of that happening in other parts of the country, and this will cause these programs to exceed their current funding, requiring more to be appropriated from other parts of the budget.
Please Stay in Touch
Please continue to stay in touch to share your thoughts or concerns. My phone number is 651-296-9236 or you can email me at rep.duane.quam@house.mn.
Have a great weekend!
247 State Office Building 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55155 ph: 651.296.9236 |