Legislative Update
February Budget Forecast
This past Thursday, Minnesota Management and Budget presented this year's February forecast, which still shows that we're on the verge of a deficit, with the state spending more money than it's taking in to the tune of nearly $1.5 billion.
Even with the economy growing, there still isn't enough tax revenue to meet the Democrat majority's spending demands. The state has a spending problem, not a revenue problem. I sounded the alarm last session that the out-of-control spending was going to hurt Minnesotans, and this forecast proves that. Minnesota families and small businesses are overtaxed and overburdened by the state.
Last session, Democrats spent the entire $17.5 billion surplus and raised another $10 billion in taxes on Minnesotans to fund a massive 40 percent growth in government. Now, we need to cut wasteful spending and bring the budget under control instead of trying to maintain last session's reckless spending.
Defending Religious Liberties
Last year, Democrats passed a bill giving gender identity its own category under the Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA), instead of including it within the definition of sexual orientation. When that happened, there was no corresponding religious exemption added, which leaves faith-based schools and religious organizations open to claims of gender identity discrimination. Such an exemption would ensure that religious organizations and faith-based schools can hire teachers and ministers consistent with their mission and values.
A Republican amendment would have restored the religious exemption in the MHRA that protects religious organizations and faith-based schools against claims of gender identity discrimination. Already, at least one faith-based school is facing an employment complaint at the Department of Human Rights because of the removal of the exemption.
There is a very broad and diverse coalition of religious groups that have come forward with serious concerns, including several Christian schools, the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, and the Islamic Center of Minnesota.
Unfortunately, the Democrat majority on the committee voted the amendment down.