February 13, 2024
Legislative Update
School Resource Officer fix
Early this week, there are two hearings on a bill, HF 3489, aimed at fixing the school resource officer law in the Education and Public Safety committees. Our own Sheriff Derringer will be testifying in the Public Safety hearing regarding the bill. Republicans have been raising this issue since this past summer, but unfortunately the Democrats refused to take action until now, more than halfway through the school year. This issue is not resolved until 100% of SROs are back in schools and we've passed a fix into law, so I look forward to passing a workable solution as soon as possible.
DFL Legislator Seeks to Infringe on 2nd Amendment
After the DFL imposed additional restrictions on the Second Amendment firearm rights of law-abiding citizens last year, they are looking to further infringe upon your constitutional right to bear arms. HF 3570 (Finke) would prohibit the transfer of a semi-automatic firearm in Minnesota and impose a 5 year prison sentence and/or a $25,000 fine on anyone who does so.
This bill also expands the definition of "Military Style Assault Weapon" to include any riffle that has a detachable magazine as well as a pistol grip, folding or telescoping stock, or barrel shroud. It also limits magazines to ten rounds or less. To address these expanded definitions the bill funds a buy-back program with a yet-to-be-determined appropriation. Infringing on your second amendment rights and using your own tax dollars to do it.
Massive Pay Raises for DFL Insiders
Last week, MPR reported that state agency commissioners received massive pay raises thanks to DFL legislation last year, some receiving as much as $32,000 more. The vast majority of Minnesotans didn't even get enough of a raise last year to keep up with inflation. After spending through the entirety of our massive $19 billion surplus last year, it is shameful that the majority gave bureaucrats massive raises and gave Minnesotans next to nothing.
Antisemitism at the U of M
Two weeks ago, I sounded the alarm on the University of Minnesota's lack of action on the antisemitic faculty statement by faculty that has been posted to the school's official website since January 16. The statement remains on the U's website, though now there is a disclaimer on the page saying the statement does not reflect the views of the University. The fact that Minnesota's largest university is providing a platform for harmful and antisemitic views, even with a disclaimer, is shameful.
Democrats Push to Legalize Assisted Suicide
Democrats introduced HF 1930, a bill to legalize assisted suicide in Minnesota. I am unapologetically pro-life, from conception to natural death. I believe every life has value, no matter what. We've seen a disturbing and slippery slope for programs like this in other states and countries, and I will vehemently oppose this bill if it begins to move through the process.
Family Matters at the State Capitol
On a personal note, on Monday, my sister Reverend Sara Wille gave the prayer before the opening of our first legislative session of the year. Her prayer can be viewed here. I was proud to celebrate this moment with my sister, her husband Reverend Todd Wille, my brother Representative Brian Daniels, and my husband Senator Jason Rarick. I believe this is the first time two representatives, a senator, and a chaplain of the House have been from the same family.
 Left to Right: Sen. Jason Rarick, Rep. Marion Rarick, Reverend Sara Wille, Reverend Todd Wille, Rep. Brian Daniels.