I want to sound the alarm against the Omnibus Tax bill. HF 1938 sponsored by the Democrat Tax Chair Representative Gomez would eliminate the use of electronic pull tabs to generate revenue for charitable organizations across Minnesota. The East Hubbard Fire County Fire District, Elks Lodge 2386, CFW Post 1676 Detroit Lakes, and Confidence Learning Center as just a few of the organizations in our district at risk of losing funding from e-pull tabs.
Organizations and nonprofits that support Minnesota youth, veterans, seniors and more will no longer be able to receive revenue from these sources. I own a bar in the community and my patrons utilize the e-pull tabs and are proud that the money goes back to organizations they support. By changing this law, organizations like American Legions, Fire Departments, Youth Soccer organizations and more will no longer receive funds. The DFL is harming some of our most-needed organizations.
We had a great time at Steak on a Stick day this week at the Capitol. This annual tradition celebrates the difficult and important work of our Minnesota State Cattlemen. I loved chatting with a number of the dedicated farmers who were serving at the event. The Cattlemen cook and serve delicious bites of steak. I am thankful for the work they do feeding our families and communities. Thank you Minnesota State Cattlemen!
I had a great time meeting with Karen Pifher about CornerStone Youth and Community Center in Frazee. Karen is working hard to raise funding to make this much-needed community center a reality. The center will be a hub for youth of all ages and will include a coffee and crepe shop, performing arts area, youth food pantry and entrepreneurial programming space. The center is in need of donations and financial support. More information can be found at www.cornerstonefrazee.org.
One of the most expensive bills we faced this week was the Transportation Omnibus bill with almost $4 billion in fees and tax increases. Increases in automotive sales tax and registration will make it more expensive for every Minnesotan to drive. Even those who don’t drive will see increased transportation costs with a $.75 fee on same-day deliveries including things like Uber Eats, Amazon, and more. This bill is also stuffed full of wasteful spending on Democrat wish list items including expanding metro light rail and a passenger train to Duluth.
We also faced the disappointing Education Omnibus bill that includes 65 new mandates that strip local control from our school districts. These mandates are in fact so egregious that after they are paid for most schools will have less to fund their current programs than they do now. “Unfortunately, I think this is potentially one of the most damaging sessions I’ve seen since I’ve been a superintendent.” Said Stillwater Superintendent Michael Funk on the legislation. I’m disappointed that even with the historic investment in education these dollars are getting lost in the bureaucracy instead of funding students.
his Saturday is national drug takeback day. This is an opportunity to turn in expired and unwanted medications so that they can be disposed of properly. Medications that are just thrown out can end up in the wrong hands or can be damaging to the environment in a landfill. Find your nearest drop-off location here and clean up your medicine cabinet.
Coming up next week the League of Women Voters is hosting a program on Child Care issues that are facing our community. This will be an opportunity to hear from a number of experts in the field as well as ask questions and share solutions. The event is April 26th in the Northwood Banks Community Room with the full list of speakers and info available on the event poster. |