Special Session
With the majorities in the House and Senate not being able to complete their work on time, we began hearing omnibus bills on Monday to complete the state budget.
Negotiations on these bills took place behind closed doors and with no public input or testimony. They received sham hearings in the Ways and Means committee, where committee members were severely limited in the number of questions they could ask, and, most egregiously, there was no public testimony taken.
House Republican priorities for the special session include ending the Governor’s emergency powers, as well as stopping health care costs from skyrocketing, and addressing the rampant crime in the Metro area.
There is still a lot of work to do to finalize the budget. I am going to focusing on:
Ending the Governor's Emergency Powers: Case counts and positivity rates are at record lows, and the emergency is clearly over. It's time to end the emergency powers and restore the legislature's role as a co-equal branch of government.
Stopping Health Care Costs From Skyrocketing: Democrats are pushing for harmful policies that would cause health care rates to skyrocket and reduce health plan choices for thousands of Minnesota families.
Safety in our Cities: Crime in the Metro area is skyrocketing. We need to focus on tackling rising crime, and making sure Minnesotans feel safe in their communities. I will always back our law enforcement and make sure they have the resources they need to protect all neighborhoods.
The Governor’s unnecessary and tyrannical emergency powers have been a constant in our lives since last March. On Monday, we voted for the 19th time to end the governor's emergency powers, but unfortunately House Democrats voted to ensure they continued. They simply do not want the responsibility to legislate.
Please Stay in Touch
Please continue to stay in touch to share your thoughts or concerns. My phone number is 651-296-4265 or you can email me at rep.matt.grossell@house.mn.
Have a great weekend and God Bless!

227 State Office Building 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55155 ph: 651.296.4265 |