Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Nice weather is back! Looks like we are going to have a gorgeous weekend, hope you are able to get out and enjoy it!
Yesterday was Medical Alley Day in Minnesota — a celebration of the innovative medical companies working in our great state. Minnesota’s Medical Alley is unrivaled when it comes to innovation in healthcare. That’s why we’re excited to celebrate today as Medical Alley Day in Minnesota. Patients all over the world have benefited from the innovations from Medical Alley right here in Minnesota. Watch a quick video they posted yesterday.
HHS Omnibus Bill
On Monday, the House voted on the House Democrat Health and Human Services Omnibus. This almost 1,000 page bill spends more than $650 million above current levels of funding and continue to expand government-run healthcare, imposing burdensome new mandates that drive up the cost of health care for Minnesota families.
Major issues with the bill include:
- It creates new mandates for insurers and drug companies which will increase the cost of care.
- More mandates and limitations for hospitals which will negatively impact hospitals’ ability to care for and support patients.
- Expands government run healthcare by putting bureaucrats in charge of drug, dental, and nonemergency medical transport coverage for all public program enrollees.
- Dramatically changes welfare programs by providing less oversight and reporting requirements for those on public programs.
The bill passed without any bipartisan support and like the other omnibus bills passed by the House Majority, will not become law without major revisions. I hope a much more balanced bill that focuses on addressing the rising cost of health care for Minnesotans comes back from negotiations with the Senate.
I also offered two amendments to this bill that would help the most vulnerable Minnesotans. I pushed to direct some of the federal funds coming to Minnesota to support the hardworking Minnesotans working as disability service providers.
These workers have struggled greatly over the last year and deserve support from the legislature. My second amendment would also help Minnesotans with disabilities who have been hit hard by the last year.
Funding for Law Enforcement
On Tuesday the House and Senate passed $7.8 million to provide funding for public safety assistance costs in the Twin Cities, sending the bill to Gov. Walz's desk for his signature.
The bill provides $1.5 million in funding to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) for the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) to reimburse out-of-state law enforcement from Ohio & Nebraska who traveled to the Twin Cities to provide assistance for the Chauvin Trial, and $6.3 million for State Patrol Trooper and DNR Conservation Officer expenses.
This support from our fellow midwestern states was critical in making sure peace was kept through the Chauvin trial, while also protecting those exercising their First Amendment rights. I also signed on to a letter to the governors of Ohio & Nebraska thanking them for sending law enforcement personnel.
As always, if you have questions or concerns regarding any issue, please contact me. You can reach me at rep.barb.haley@house.mn or 651-296-8635.
239 State Office Bldg. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55155 651-296-8635 rep.barb.haley@house.mn |