Vaccine Update from Gunderson Health
Below is an excerpt from a news release from Gunderson Health System, which services many in our area and runs St. Elizabeth Health System:
Gundersen Health System is able to keep all first-dose vaccine appointments this week at our La Crosse and Onalaska locations. Gundersen regional vaccination locations are doing well working through eligible patients, based on supply received from state and county sources.
Vaccine demand continues to exceed vaccine supply, but we expect to provide about 3,000 first-and-second dose appointments this week system wide.
Most important: Patients who have their first dose vaccine appointments cancelled in recent weeks will be notified and prioritized for a rescheduled appointment as soon as supply allows.
We ask patients refrain from calling or emailing Gundersen about COVID-19 vaccine appointments or about vaccine availability or eligibility and urge them to visit for the latest information.
Vaccine appointments at Gundersen are only available to patients who have received an appointment invitation through MyChart, letter or telephone call.
Gundersen encourages patients to receive the vaccination at another location, if they’re able. Walgreens is providing COVID-19 vaccine to those eligible. Several counties in Gundersen’s service area are offering vaccine registration and notifications once those registered are eligible for the vaccine, including [...] Fillmore, Houston and Winona in Minnesota.
Still important: Everyone who enters a Gundersen location must wear a mask and be screened for COVID-19 symptoms, including those who have received the COVID-19 vaccine.