2021 Legislative Session Begins
I am humbled and honored to continue to be a voice for the people of Carver County. We need to reestablish the voice of the people through the legislature by ending the governor's emergency powers and allowing Minnesota businesses to safely open while getting our students back in school. I will work to make sure my constituents have a voice at the Capitol.
This biennium, I will serve as the lead Republican on the House’s State Government Finance and Policy Committee. I will also serve on Redistricting, Rules and Legislative Administration, and Ways and Means. I will also serve as assistant minority leader.
As the Republican Lead for State Government Finance & Policy, I look forward to providing a check on state spending, overseeing rulemaking, and influencing elections policy. We have many challenges ahead of us as a state and I am honored to have the trust of my community to work on their behalf.
Constituents can contact me by phone at 651-296-4282 or by email at rep.jim.nash@house.mn. My office is located on the third floor of the State Office Building in room 349. Mail can be sent to:
Representative Jim Nash 349 State Office Building 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55155
Restrictions Lifted, Working to end Powers
On Wednesday, Gov. Walz announced a loosening of restrictions on businesses and events. Here is a summary of the changes announced:
- Restaurants are allowed to reopen at 50 percent capacity with a max of 150. Groups can include no more than six people, and tables must be spaced six feet apart. Bar service is allowed to resume to customers in groups of two. Restrictions on dining between 10PM and 4AM remain in place.
- Gyms remain capped at 25 percent, maximum capacity raised to 150, and classes can be increased to 25 people with distancing.
- Outdoor events and entertainment capacity remains at 25 percent with the maximum capacity raised to 250.
- Indoor entertainment and events (bowling alleys, movie theaters, museums, etc.) may open at 25 percent with a cap of 150.
- Youth and adult sports games may resume January 14 with spectators subject to the same indoor entertainment restrictions.
- Pools are open at 25% capacity.
- Wedding receptions and other "private parties" may resume with limits. If food and drink is served there is a limit of two households or 10 people indoors and 3 households/15 people outdoors. If there is no food/drink, they are covered by the event/entertainment restrictions.
- Churches remain open at 50% but the overall capacity limit has been lifted so there is no maximum.
These are welcomed by the many businesses and groups that have been devastated by the latest round of restrictions. However, we need to be looking to get far greater input from the community and other stakeholders when making decisions on how to keep Minnesotans safe during the final few months of the pandemic. We need to get Minnesota back open again.
The current power structure — Governor Walz utilizing his Emergency Powers cuts out the legislature and the voice of the people — is clearly not working. We need to have public hearings to find the best way to keep people safe while also keep people working and living their lives.
We will continue to work to end the governor's powers and get Minnesota back to work and living our lives, safely.
DEED Grants taking Applications
This week, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development released applications for Movie Theater and Convention Center Grants established in the recent state COVID-19 relief package passed in December.
The links to applications and information on the three new programs included in Minnesota’s small business relief package, signed into law December 16, are:
Minnesota Convention Center Relief Grant Program – This temporary program was established to provide economic relief for convention centers adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This program will make grants of up to $500,000 to eligible convention centers located in Minnesota. DEED will administer this program. All convention centers interested in receiving a relief grant must submit a completed application by Jan. 29. Applications are available here.
Minnesota Movie Theater Relief Grant Program – This temporary program was established to provide economic relief for movie theaters adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This program will make grants of up to $150,000 to eligible movie theaters located in Minnesota. DEED will administer this program. All movie theaters interested in receiving a relief grant must submit a completed application by Jan. 29. Applications are available here.
County Relief Program – We are working closely with Minnesota counties to disburse money. All counties must apply. More information is available here.
Minnesota businesses have been hit tremendously hard by COVID-19 and the subsequent closures and one-size-fits-all restrictions by the governor. Thank you for all you have done to stay in business and we have to hope we can return to normal very soon.
Please Contact Me
Please feel free to reach out to my office if there is any way I can be of assistance. My phone number is 651-296-4282, I am here to serve you!
Have a great weekend!

349 State Office Building 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55155 ph: 651.296.4282 |