Legislative Update
On Tuesday, the House met in legislative session to approve legislation that makes a variety of minor changes so everyday can be dealt with even during these unprecedented times, and taking additional steps to ensure Minnesotans are protected during the COVID-19 crisis.
HF 4556 includes one important appropriation to provide $1.25 million dollars to Second Harvest Food Bank, which will provide critical funding for our food shelves and allow them to purchase milk and other protein products from our farmers.
In addition to that, the bill helps protect struggling farmers, expands access to telemedicine, and ensures that Minnesotans are covered as they normally would be if they receive care at an alternate treatment site. It also includes changes to allow remote applications for marriage licenses, makes sure local public officials can participate in meetings remotely like we can at the State Legislature, and ensures Commercial Drivers Licenses and out-of-state licenses continue to be valid while in-person appointments are restricted.
We met again today to pass SF 4489, which will allow restaurants that have a current liquor license and are still serving customers to sell a bottle of wine or a six-pack of beer with orders for pickup. This bill will provide a little bit of help for our struggling restaurants, and support the jobs they continue to provide.
I spoke on this bill during the debate about my conversations with several local restaurant owners. They are being hit hard by this crisis, and I am glad we were able to provide even a little bit of help to keep them in business. If you would like to hear my speech, you can see it here.
Potential Elections Policy Changes
We have had many conversations lately about the challenges ahead for elections in our state. On Thursday, the State Government Finance committee met to consider a bill supported by the Secretary of State that would change how we hold elections during and immediately after this pandemic situation.
Because this was a very controversial bill, and because elections issues traditionally only move forward with broad bipartisan support, I and other members requested that the bill be laid over while we continue working toward a solution that both parties can support. The committee chair agreed to lay the bill over and indicated that we may continue the discussion at next week's State Government Finance meeting.
I am now working with the Secretary of State and the DFL committee chair to bring a bipartisan solution to protecting our upcoming elections after they too admitted that we must be bipartisan and that the previous offering was not bipartisan at all.