Protecting Your Second Amendment Rights
Last week, House Democrats went after the right to bear arms and the right to due process of every Minnesotan. They passed HF 8, a bill to put onerous restrictions on firearm transfers, even just loans between friends, and HF 9, a bill that allows anyone to make a complaint against a gun owner that could result in law enforcement confiscating that person's firearms, potentially forever.
These bills create new restrictions on law abiding gun owners, and do nothing to prevent gun violence. Before we enact new gun laws, we need to fully enforce existing laws. Additionally, these bills would create huge burdens for county sheriffs who would have exponentially more paperwork to process under HF 8, and also put law enforcement in danger while carrying out orders to confiscate firearms under HF 9. I voted no.
Click HERE to see my speech on HF 9.
Last week, the Office of the Legislative Auditor released a report on violence in Minnesota prisons. They found that violence is an epidemic, and very little has been done to fix it. The report details a lack of formal tracking on violent incidents, forced overtime, outdated and dangerous infrastructure, and inadequate oversight. We also found that sexual harassment against female staff isn't tracked or punished. Often, women who are the victims of this behavior face retaliation for reporting offenses. During the hearing, I called for an immediate zero tolerance policy. The Department of Corrections needs to take immediate action to make our corrections officers and prison employees safe.
I was featured in a Fox 9 report on the OLA investigation. Check out the report here.
On Thursday in the Committee on Taxes, I presented a bill to allow the city of Buffalo to apply for a sales tax refund for construction materials, supplies, and equipment used in the construction of a new fire station. I was joined by Buffalo City Councilman Steve Downer and Fire Chief John Harnois, who testified in support of the bill. I look forward to saving the hardworking taxpayers in the city of Buffalo money, $240,000 in all. |
Last week, Democrats heard a bill in the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Division that would make blocking access to an abortion facility a felony. While proponents said it was a bill to protect access to health facilities, it would have a chilling effect on the freedom of speech of peaceful protesters.
When this bill came to Judiciary, I voted no. I was incredibly disappointed in the overtly political and partisan nature of the bill.