- Network meeting recap
- Register for the Plastic-Free Challenge
- Workshops and learning opportunities
- Presidential Awards for environmental educators and youth
- Upcoming conferences
- Green Partners grantee highlights
Environmental educators gathered virtually on Thursday, December 5 for the final Hennepin County environmental education network meeting of 2024. The meeting focused on using social media for environmental education. We showcased outstanding accounts and content to provide inspiration from successful examples of environment-forward social media content. Participants voted on their favorite content with high engagement and favorite funny post.
Top voted post in the funniest category:
Co-op Olympics from Wedge Community Co-ops on Instagram
Top voted posts in the best-tracking category (a tie):
Best practices and tips
Hennepin County staff shared best practices for social media including how to increase accessibility, engagement, emoji tips, and platform-specific information.
These resources were shared and can help you learn more:
Follow accounts from others in the network
We wrapped up the meeting with a “follow-a-thon” where attendees shared their organization’s social media accounts so we can follow each other. Here are the accounts that were shared:
Stay tuned for 2025 meetings
Stay tuned in future editions of this newsletter and the Facebook group for an invitation to our next network meeting and an announcement of 2025 meeting topics.
 With so many single-use plastic items in our lives, avoiding them may feel overwhelming! Fortunately, there is a lot we can do to help create a world with less plastic. Are you up for the challenge?
The Plastic-Free Challenge is a month-long effort starting February 1 to reduce plastic consumption, especially single-use plastics, in ways that fit best in your lifestyle. Businesses, organizations, and community groups can also join the challenge as Plastic-Free Challenge partners.
The challenge runs during the month of February. Registration opens on January 1. Sign up to be notified when Plastic-Free Challenge registration opens.
Minnesota’s National Treasures: teacher workshop
Saturday, January 11 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Minnesota National Wildlife Refuge in Bloomington
 This interactive workshop will introduce you to the varied landscapes of the National Park Service stewards in Minnesota and give you a chance to provide feedback about the programs that will impact your students most. Participants will review standards-aligned programs and field trips and network with other like-minded teachers. Finish out the day with a snowshoe hike led by National Parks Service Park Rangers. Register for Minnesota National Treasures: teacher workshop.
Become a Community Energy Ambassador
Become a Community Energy Ambassador through Clean Energy Resource Teams’ self-directed online training. Complete the training checklist on your own timeline. Once you complete the training, you will complete a project to support community-led energy efforts. Learn more about the Energy Ambassador program, watch an introduction video, and begin training.
Listen to the new podcast “The World We Want” from North American Association for Environmental Education
 Tune in to hear innovative ideas and inspiring stories from educators and other professionals who are driving action, curiosity, and hope for our future.
Four episodes are now available:
Learn more about The World We Want podcast.
Outdoor Learning free virtual workshops
Outdoor Learning is offering free 60-minute virtual workshops in partnership with Take Me Outside. Upcoming workshop topics include outdoor learning in the early years, climate and sustainability education resources, disability justice, indigenous resources, and more. Learn more and register for Take Me Outside workshops.
Minnesota outdoor skills and stewardship winter webinars
 Learn about or sharpen your outdoor skills with these upcoming online webinars from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Webinars begin at noon on Wednesdays and last less than an hour. Webinar topics include outdoor winter activities, ice fishing, oak wilt identification and prevention, woodpeckers, and more. Registration is free. Learn more and register for an outdoor skills webinar.
Presidential awards
Presidential Innovation Award for environmental educators
The Environmental Protection Agency’s Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators recognizes outstanding kindergarten through 12th grade teachers who employ innovative approaches to environmental education. Awardees receive a Presidential award plaque and up to $2,500, and the teacher’s local education agency also receives up to $2,500 to fund environmental educational activities and programs. Applications are due Wednesday, January 15. Learn more and apply for a Presidential Innovation Award.
President’s Environmental Youth Award
The President’s Environmental Youth Award from the Environmental Protection Agency recognizes outstanding environmental stewardship projects developed by K-12 youth. Award winners receive a Presidential plaque. Applications are due Wednesday, January 15. Learn more and apply for a President’s Environmental Youth Award.
Green Schools Conference
March 3 to 4 in Orlando, Florida
The Green Schools Conference is hosted by the Center for Green Schools and the Green Schools National Network. Sessions will cover environmental impact, health and wellbeing, sustainability literacy, equity, and whole school sustainability. Learn more and register for the Green Schools Conference.
Nature Everywhere conference
May 13 to 16 in Saint Paul
The Nature Everywhere conference, hosted by the Children & Nature Network, will give attendees opportunities to explore best practices for creating inclusive and equitable outdoor experiences that connect children to nature. Learn more and register for the Nature Everywhere conference.
The following organizations received a Hennepin County Green Partners grant. The grants provide training, support, and funding to organizations to implement projects that engage residents to learn about, protect, and improve the environment.
Altlawns of Richfield-Bloomington engages the community in learning about nature
 Altlawns worked with Tapestry Church in Richfield for a second year creating nature art during Santa Day. Altlawns volunteers tabled at the event to provide art opportunities for kids and information about sustainable landscaping and native plants to adults. Youth created and painted Christmas tree ornaments and adults went home with ideas for planting native plants in the spring.
In November, Altlawns hosted a seed cleaning and exchange event with MN Seed. Educators shared seed cleaning equipment and trained volunteers on the seed cleaning process. Volunteers learned about the importance of using local native seeds as well as the cost savings for residents as a result of saving and sharing seeds instead of purchasing them new.
Learn more
hennepin.us/environmentaleducation Environmental education network Facebook group