June 4, 2024
I want to thank everyone who planned, participated in, and attended the 2024 season of the Mary Ann Key Book Club and events. This was my first experience with the Mary Ann Key Book Club, and I saw the power of the events in fulfilling its mission of being “a catalyst for conversations” as the focus for this season was on the racism and injustice that Mr. Hinton experienced when he was wrongfully sentenced to death for two unsolved murders.
I’d like to thank the planning team for their exceptional work: Kia Vang, Denise Silva, Christy Mulligan, Will Sullivan, Nicole Green, Emmamarie Haasl, Erin Glade, and Gabie Clark. Leading up to the author visit, I attended a discussion of “The Sun Does Shine” led by Myron Medcalf at the Hennepin County Adult Corrections Facility. I need to acknowledge Dan Marcou and Heather Fisch in Outreach for their exceptional and impactful work at the Adult Corrections Facility. The book discussion was one of the most personal and moving library events I’ve attended.
At the April 25 author event, Myron had an engaging discussion with Anthony Ray Hinton. Over 700 people attended the event in person and online. For those who attended, you saw the emotion and impact that being wrongfully convicted and serving 30 years on Alabama’s death row had on Mr. Hinton’s life and outlook on what needs to change so that similar injustices are not committed in the future.
The connection to Hinton’s visit was evident in the thought-provoking discussion of racism and justice-impacted individuals at the May 16 community panel event with moderator Minister JaNaé Bates and panelists Marvin Haynes, Moseka Nhya and Kevin Reese. This connection was clear when Haynes described the impact Mr. Hinton’s book had on his life following his wrongful 19 year incarceration and December 2023 exoneration.
Overall, all these events were powerful and moving. I need to acknowledge the founder of Mary Ann Key Book Club, Myron Medcalf. I encourage you to read his article from the Star Tribune about the selection of “The Sun Does Shine” for the Mary Ann Key Book Club. We are truly fortunate to be partners with Myron on this impactful series of programs.
I’d also like to thank our sponsors, Friends of the Hennepin County Library and the Star Tribune, whose support and generosity allows us to provide the Mary Ann Key Book Club in-person and online and enables online access to Myron’s Star Tribune articles about the book club.
Thank you again to the Mary Ann Key Book Club planning team and all the staff who had a role in these events. I am truly thankful I was able to attend each one and look forward to the 2025 season of the Mary Ann Key Book Club.
 Discussion questions
How would you like to see our prison system reformed?
What kinds of programs would be beneficial to our society, and why?
 Originally recorded May 16, 2024: The Mary Ann Key Book Club hosted a community discussion with Minister JaNaé Bates, Marvin Haynes, Moseka Nhya and Kevin Reese.
“What an amazing set of events. I found both the author talk and panel discussion to be incredibly moving and eye opening.”
“The panel member experiences and insights were impactful. I was encouraged by the questions posed by the moderator…if you are ashamed then you are not free.”
Art from the Inside seeks to empower incarcerated artists to experience personal transformation and restoration. The organization’s 2024 exhibition, “JUSTICE RE-FORMED,” which features work by incarcerated artists, is currently being hosted by the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office. Learn more about the organization here.
Podcasts discussing issues around mass incarceration:
Uncuffed is a podcast made by people behind bars in California prisons sharing intimate stories of their struggles, triumphs, and the heartache and forgiveness taking place within prison walls.
Prison: The Hidden Sentence is a podcast and blog that works to help educate and empower those who have or had a loved one in prison.
Shades of Freedom is a podcast from Aspen Institute’s Criminal Justice Reform Initiative that amplifies and uplifts promising efforts aimed at reducing mass incarceration and examines the ecosystem of related inequalities that surrounds and perpetuates it.
Author Talk: Lisa See
Minneapolis Central Library
Thursday, June 20, 6-7:30 p.m.
New York Times bestselling author Lisa See will discuss her latest book Lady Tan’s Circle of Women. There will be a Q&A session hosted by Valley Bookseller afterwards, and books will be available for purchase and signing. Learn more here.
Drum and Griot Storytelling Performance
Various locations, dates, and times
For all ages. Listen to stories and folklore that influence the African American way of life, then sing along with clapping and hand drum patterns lead by Heart and Soule Drum Academy. Learn more here.
Anansi, Br’er Rabbit, and Other Wiley Creatures
Various locations, dates, and times
Learn about characters from African and African American folktales in this lively performance by Black Storytellers Alliance. Learn more here.
African Drum and Dance Workshop
Various locations, dates, and times
Explore African drum and dance with Tiyumba African Drum & Dance Company and learn how drumming, dancing, and singing work together for a unique cultural exploration. Learn more here.
The Star Tribune is a valued partner of the Mary Ann Key Book Club and has made Mr. Medcalf's book club columns available to all readers, no subscription required. Mr. Medcalf is leveraging his column to further engage our community on the truths of the past, our challenges in the present, and the possibilities of the future. |