Explore our book clubs page under Books and Reading. You'll find our book club kits service, lists of eBooks that will have enough copies for a book club, our own book club events, and some tips on how to create and sustain a book club of your own.
Read Anthony Ray Hinton's "The Sun Does Shine" which tells of his journey from death row to exoneration and freedom. A conversation with the author will take place in April, and there will be a community discussion in May.
If it only took you a few days to read an eBook, consider returning it early rather than letting it expire after 21 days. This will make it available more quickly for the next lucky reader.
Stream thousands of movies, documentaries, Great Courses, TV shows, and more.
Log in and create your account on Kanopy.com, then start streaming through the Kanopy website or app on your TV, phone, or tablet. Each Hennepin County Library cardholder will have 30 tickets for viewing each month. Tickets must be used within the checkout period found on a title’s detail page. Kanopy Kids films are free, no tickets required.
Available only to Hennepin County residents and property owners who have library cards.