Seeking Appointees! Appointee Openings for County Community Advisory Boards

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Special Newsletter-January 2024

Hello, hello our D4 residents and community members! This is a special outreach newsletter to ask passionate District 4 residents if they'd like to join open county community advisory boards; to engage with the county in a leadership role while bringing a voice forward for our residents. Commissioner Conley appoints to several different boards and commissions and is seeking appointees. Please see more information below.

Please email for more information, if interested.

And as always, please reach out with questions, comments, or to learn more about how to get involved!

District 4 Open Advisory Positions

Race Equity Advisory Council (REAC)

Racial equity graphic

The mission of REAC is to strengthen the county's goal of disparity reduction and to advise the county board and county administration on the county's vision and strategy focused on reducing racial disparities and advancing racial equity throughout Hennepin County.

There is one available open position for District 4. This position is held for two years, with a limit of two terms (4 years total). Terms run from April 1, 2024, through March 31, 2025. There is milage reimbursement and compensation for this role ($50 per meeting- with a limit of payment for two meetings a month)

The council meets monthly on the third Thursday from 6:00 to 8:00 pm; and members should expect to spend on average an additional 4-8 hours per month on Council work such as sub-committee meetings, reading and watching information.

Appointee should have:

  • Connections with local historically marginalized communities.
  • Experience/expertise in specific domains including education, employment, health, housing, income, justice and/or transportation.
  • A commitment to racial equity, social and environmental justice, and diversity and inclusion.
  • The ability to work collaboratively with people of diverse perspectives and experiences.
  • The ability to represent the geographic and demographic diversity of Hennepin County.


  • Learn: Understand Hennepin County's vision and strategy to reduce disparities.
  • Evaluate: Review and evaluate disparity reduction priorities and strategies.
  • Participate: Attend monthly Race Equity Advisory Council meetings.
  • Plan: Identify unmet needs of residents focused on reducing racial disparities and advise on the community engagement plan for disparity reduction and racial equity.
  • Report: Report recommendations regarding strategies and ideas targeting reducing racial disparities for the residents annually to the County Board.


Capital Budget Task Force (CBTF)

$100 stacks of bills

The purpose of the Capital Budget Task Force is to review county departments' requested capital budget and program. 

There is one available open position for District 4. This position is held for four years and terms run until the appointing commissioner leaves office (reapplication is required). There is a reimbursement of $50 per meeting, with parking provided.

The task force meets an average of 10 times a year, generally June through August; and the task force also tours county facilities, as needed.


  • The task force submits to the Hennepin County Board a recommended annual capital budget and five-year capital improvement program.
  • The task force is required to read, study, discuss, and make recommendations concerning capital projects. 
  • Attend most scheduled meetings to keep current and hear briefings from various departments.
  • Participate in group discussions of topics under review, and express viewpoints candidly on subject topics.


At-Large Open Advisory Positions

Library Youth Advisory Council

Minneapolis Central Library Interior Graphic

This youth council gives a voice to the young people who engage with the library through a plugged-in leadership space.

This position is held for three years, with a limit of three terms (9 years total) and terms run until December 31st. There is compensation for this role ($50 per meeting- with a limit of $100 a month), with reimbursement for parking, conference, travel, and other related expenses. The full board usually meets on the third or fourth Wednesday of each month from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 

Appointee must be a young Hennepin County Resident


Duties and responsibilities are delegated by legislation and by the Hennepin County Board:

  • Determine the contents of the collection.
  •  Be responsible for the use of library meeting rooms.
  • Make recommendations to the county administrator about appointment or removal of the library director.
  • Establish rules governing library operation.
  • Review the annual operating budget for submission to the County Board.
  • Develop a long-range plan.
  • Accept and manage gift and trust funds.
  • Articulate and endorse major library system goals and initiatives for which significant private financial support and partnership will be necessary to ensure success. The Library Board shall undertake a regular process for recommending these goals to the Friends of the Hennepin County Library for consideration and development.
  • May also meet in special committees and attend various meetings and programs throughout Hennepin County, spending an average of 4 to 6 hours a month on these activities.

About District 4

district 4

This 4th district serves parts of east and downtown Minneapolis, and Fort Snelling.

Contact us

Angela Conley
Commissioner, 4th District

Binta Kanteh
Policy Director

Katelynn Ogunfolami
District Director

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