In this training you will learn the following about Hennepin CoC Coordinated Entry:
- What Coordinated Entry is.
- Why Coordinated Entry is used.
- How the Coordinated Entry System Works: Shelter, Assessments & Referrals.
- Housing Resources for Clients.
Date: Wednesday, November 29th
Time: 11:00 am - Noon
Location: Online Webinar

When you get a referral, remember to acknowledge it in HMIS within 2 business days.
This is how you let the system know you got the referral and will reach out to the client.

Prioritization based on Medical Fragility rolled out in the Singles system on August 1st, 2023.
Now we want your feedback on the medical fragility questions.
Specifically, we want to know any assessments where you believe the answers the client gave to the medical fragility questions did not reflect their actual level of fragility.
Let us know here if you believe there is a discrepancy between how the medical fragility questions were answered by the client and their actual circumstances, thus negatively impacting their prioritization for a housing referral.
After we collect your responses we will bring them to the Lived Experience Advisory Group for further discussion.
HMIS Training for Housing Providers: What to do When You Can't Make Contact with the Referral
HMIS Training for Assessors: Progressive Engagement - What to Do When You Update a Client's Assessment
Coordinated Entry 101
Best Practices for Housing Providers
Online Referral Request Form
What Should I do in HMIS?
Do you struggle to follow all of the correct steps in HMIS? If so, you are not alone.
We created some new, intuitive guides to help! Check them out here.
Housing Provider Guide
Use this helpful guide with essential information for housing providers on referral workflow.
See the guide

The Health of the CES System Dashboard tracks the average length of time the following activities take:
- Priority list to referral
- Vacancy to referral
- Referral to result
- Referral to housed
- Project entry to housed - PH only
- Priority list start to housed
View the dashboard here

What is the Assessor Priority List Report?
A monthly report that tracks the number of clients added to or updated on the priority list by each assessor.
View the report here.