Referral incentives for foster parents

hennepin county minnesota

Family and friends referral incentives

As foster parents, you support children and families in our community and inspire others to do the same. Help us recruit new foster parents and you could earn incentive payments.

Hennepin County is piloting an incentive program for referring family and friends. See full details about the program below. 

If you are ready to refer a family for non-relative foster care, talk to your licensing worker.

Thank you for the commitment you've made to Hennepin County children and families. 

Thank you,
Foster Care Licensing

Program overview

Eligibility criteria

  • Hennepin County foster parents, licensed or in application status, relative or non-relative, may refer a family or friend for non-relative foster care.
  • A referred family or friend (new applicant) who becomes a Hennepin County licensed foster parent and accepts a Hennepin County child/youth foster or respite placement.

Incentive payments

  • Payments for incentives earned will be in the form of Visa cards.
  • A referring foster parent will receive a $200 Visa card when all incentive requirements (see below) are met. A referring foster parent may receive up to two incentives per calendar year.
  • A new applicant will receive a $200 Visa card when all incentive requirements (see below) are met.

How to receive incentives

For either the referring foster parent OR the new applicant to receive an incentive payment:

The referring foster parent must:

  • Complete a Family and Friends Referral Incentives-Referring Foster Parent form and submit it to their licensing worker.


The new applicant must:

  • Live in Hennepin County.
  • Attend Hennepin County’s orientation/information meeting and identify the foster parent who referred them.
  • Submit a child foster care licensing (CFCL) application.
  • Complete all tasks of the licensing process and be approved for licensure within 120 days of signing their application.
  • Accept a child/youth foster or respite placement within 60 days of their license approval.

Neither the referring foster parent nor the new applicant will receive their Visa card unless and until the new applicant is approved for licensing within 120 days of the date the Child Foster Care Licensing application was signed AND accepts their first foster or respite placement within 60 days of license approval.

Additional details

Start date: October 1, 2023. Child Foster Care Licensing non-relative applications that are signed on or after October 1, 2023, and meet all eligibility criteria, will be eligible to earn incentives. We will not be able to offer incentives for non-relative applications signed prior to the start date of the pilot.

End date of pilot: June 30, 2024. Child Foster Care Licensing non-relative applicants that meet all eligibility criteria, and are licensed and accept first foster or respite placement on or before June 30, 2024, are eligible for incentive payment. This will also earn incentive payment to the referring foster parent.

Note: This incentive is considered taxable income for applicants. However, Hennepin County only needs to issue 1099s to applicants who received taxable income of more than $600/per year. [I.R.C. § 6041(a)].

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