On August 1st, the Medical Fragility questions in the assessment will impact prioritization for housing referrals.
On August 1st, prioritization will function like this:
- Medical Fragility
- Chronic Homelessness
- # of HUD Months Homeless
This means that on August 1st clients will not get a referral unless the Medical Fragility questions are answered completely.
Assessors can click here to see which of their clients still need to answer the medical fragility questions.
Then, contact the clients and update the assessment with their answers.
When your program has an upcoming vacancy, request a referral quickly!
- It may take a few days for CES to send you a referral.
- It may take you a week or more to make contact with the client.
- It may take you a week or more to complete intake with the client.
Build in a buffer so your opening does not sit vacant for too long.
When assessing a client you must always complete the "CES Release of Information Date" field.
Enter the date the client signed the CES ROI.
If a date is not entered in that field, the client will get removed from the priority list, without warning.
Watch this 23 second video to learn more.
Online Referral Request Form
What Should I do in HMIS?
Do you struggle to follow all of the correct steps in HMIS? If so, you are not alone.
We created some new, intuitive guides to help! Check them out here.
Housing Provider Guide
Use this helpful guide with essential information for housing providers on referral workflow.
See the guide
HMIS Training for Housing Providers: What to do When the Referral is Not Eligible for or Interested in Your Housing Program
HMIS Training for Assessors: Assessment Errors that Prevent Clients from Getting Referrals
Coordinated Entry 101
Best Practices for Housing Providers
The Health of the CES System Dashboard tracks the average length of time the following activities take:
- Priority list to referral
- Vacancy to referral
- Referral to result
- Referral to housed
- Project entry to housed - PH only
- Priority list start to housed
View the dashboard here
What is the Assessor Priority List Report?
A monthly report that tracks the number of clients added to or updated on the priority list by each assessor.
View the report here.